Southern Grenadines takes Miss Rural SVG 2023
Gabriella Snagg, Miss Southern Grenadines and the newly crowned Miss Rural SVG 2023
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August 8, 2023

Southern Grenadines takes Miss Rural SVG 2023

by Christina Smith

Gabriella Snagg, Miss Southern Grenadines and the newly crowned Miss Rural SVG 2023, admits that her “50 per cent shy” personality almost deterred her from entering the pageant.

The 22-year-old Canouan resident with no former pageant experience or training, went up against four ladies, two of whom had won rural pageants in their communities, and was able to walk away with the crown along with the prize for Best Talent, Best Evening Wear and Miss Congeniality.

Snagg told SEARCHLIGHT it took much persuasion from friends to get her to participate in the pageant and she views her success as proof that she can conquer difficult things.

“The whole experience for me was new because it was my first one. I had never thought about entering a pageant before … I decided to try it because this would be a new experience for me and it would sort of help me to break out of my shell. The whole experience for me was overwhelming, very emotional and exciting … it was the rush, the nervousness, everything, it was a lot for me.”

The pageant was held on July 30 on Canouan, and Snagg admitted her preparation, led by her chaperone, Teddica Alexander-Branch, started later than she would have wanted. She said when she got wind of her competitors, two of whom came out of the Miss North Leeward and Miss North Windward pageants, her confidence dipped.

“I was very self-critical, because I was like I’m starting to prepare very late and these girls are very experienced, they would’ve went into numerous pageants before. Self-doubt started to creep in, but with the help of my chaperone and close friends and family they encouraged and pushed me.”

Despite experiencing challenges perfecting her walk during training, Snagg hit the stage on the night and tried to maintain a consistent performance throughout the judged categories.

She drew from Theatre Arts experience and was able to put down a solid performance which saw her take home the Best Talent trophy for a piece which addressed the need for society to protect women and girls from situations which would lead to them exchanging their bodies for financial income.

When asked about her performance in the other categories, Snagg said, “I would say that I’m a well spoken person. But what I didn’t realise was that in the moment your brain would be fuzzy. When they ask a question that you’re not really prepared for, even though you might know the answer. It might be hard to formulate it into a sentence.

With the interview, one of the questions I didn’t really formulate my answer properly.”

I think I fell short in swim wear – one of the judging aspects was confidence or poise. “
Coming out on top in her first queen show, Snagg said she would consider taking the leap to enter the national pageant in the future.

“I am open to it but with more preparation time. I feel like I could definitely do it.”

First runner-up went to Miss North Leeward , Rolanda Samuel and second runner-up was Miss North Windward, Veronique Thomas who also took the prize for Best Swim Wear.