Nine Miss SVG 2023  contestants make first public appearance at unveiling
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June 23, 2023

Nine Miss SVG 2023 contestants make first public appearance at unveiling

The Beauty Shows Committee of the Carnival Development Corporation (CDC) is hoping that the support from the public will surpass that in the 2022 Miss SVG pageant, which was described by organizers as the “best attended pageant in recent years”.

On Tuesday, June 20, nine contestants were officially sashed during the unveiling 2023 Miss SVG at the La Vue Hotel and Beach Club. The first official public appearance of the contestants comes four months before the climax event which is set for October 7.

Chair of the Beauty Shows Committee, Aviar Charles, said as the committee falls under the CDC the goal is to use the carnival season to boost interest in the contestants and the show.

“This is where Miss SVG originated from. So it would absolutely be remiss of me not to unveil the girls during this period. We also want these girls to have a high sense of visibility which is what carnival has the platform for.”

The show is being held under the theme ‘Crown Jewels’ with the General Employers Cooperative Credit Union (GECCU), acting as the title sponsor of the Community Service Project. Charles revealed that the sponsors, in total, contributed $81,000 to the pageant.

Chairman of the CDC, Ricardo Adams in his remarks said that rural pageants should be the main contributor of contestants to the Miss SVG pageant, adding that he is confident that the current cohort will excel across the judged categories.

“This is not just a beauty pageant. It is an opportunity for these young girls to showcase their talent, intelligence and most importantly, their commitment to making a difference in the community,” Adams said.

The nine contestants and their sponsors are: Letiesha Barbour – Miss Grenadine House; Denicia Boatswain – Miss Metrocint General Insurance Limited; Deana Fairbairn – Miss Play 4; Arena Foy – Miss Massy Stores Limited; Trina Hooper – Miss National Lotteries Authority; Nia Laborde – Miss FLOW; Simesha Millington – Miss Coreas Ace Hardware; Tara Richardson- Miss JCI St. Vincent; and Royesha Telemaque – Miss Intransit Exports.

The 2022 Miss SVG winner, Jada Ross encouraged the public to throw their support behind the contestants, noting that the “journey to the crown” takes support from many sectors. The winner will receive a fully-funded scholarship in addition to cash, and other prizes.