Another Pole Yard man shot and killed
Jamarlo “Ice” Dunbar
Front Page
May 9, 2023

Another Pole Yard man shot and killed

Pole Yard, Arnos Vale is back in the news again-negatively- with Jamarlo “Ice” Dunbar, one of its residents, sharing the same fate as his friend Jomo “Top Dog” Brudy.

Dunbar was shot and Killed in Arnos Vale last Saturday, May 6, around 4.30 a.m.

His friend Brudy died in a hail of bullets a few weeks earlier, on Tuesday, April 11.

Dunbar was at the scene when Brudy was shot in Pole Yard but fled as the gunman pumped rounds into Brudy. Police were trying to find Dunbar after Brudy’s death but were unsuccessful.

Reports are that Dunbar, originally from Rillan Hill but who lived in Pole Yard, knew he was marked for death but still ventured out despite warnings, even attending a popular night spot on the morning he was killed.

According to witnesses, on the morning of his death, Dunbar was chased and shot by his assailant.

After he fell on the main road in the vicinity of the bridge that leads to the decommissioned E.T Joshua Airport, his shooter fired several more rounds into him, making sure he was dead before making good his escape.

Dunbar, the 16th homicide victim here for this year, was known to the police, and over the years had several run-ins with law men.

In April, 2008 after spending about three weeks behind bars without being able to get someone to bail him, Dunbar plead guilty at the Serious Offences Court for having in his possession, 26 grammes of cannabis on March, 11 that year. He was fined $200 to be paid in one month or spend one month in prison.

He was on bail on a burglary charge at the time of his death and was expected in court this week.

After reports of his death hit social media, the comments were mixed with a Facebook user going by the name Jonathan Mayers stating, “this young man lived way longer than I expected”, while Iris Matthews wrote, “Good riddance. He is not around to rob another person of their purse like he did to my God daughter. Thank God for answering my prayers. Do not mess with a praying and God fearing mother.”

However, several persons offered condolences, with Elomon Phillips writing, “Fly high King Vess in peace me brudda”, and Jolene Cyrus wrote, “OMG ah feel this one ICE boy my condolences to your only daughter and the rest of the family we will miss you.”

Dunbar is the brother of Schemel ‘Jacket’ Dunbar of Rillan Hill. Schemel is currently on trial for the May 4, 2017 killing of 26-year-old police Constable Danroy Cozier, of Mesopotamia and his 19-year-old brother, Nicholas Cozier of Richmond Hill.

On Monday, SEARCHLIGHT visited the Dunbar home in Rillan Hill but one family member who was at the house refused to speak while Dunbar’s mother said via telephone through a family member, that she was not in the mood to speak to the media.