Pole Yard gunshot victim believes violence is out of control
John “Dan Dada” Dallaway was shot in his upper left thigh
Front Page
April 14, 2023

Pole Yard gunshot victim believes violence is out of control

A man who was shot in Pole Yard, Arnos Vale on Monday, April 10 says he has no idea what can be done to curb the incidences of violence in the country.

John “Dan Dada” Dallaway was shot in his upper left thigh around 7.30 p.m. while standing in the vicinity of Jomo “Top Dog” Brudy’s shop in Pole Yard.

Brudy was also shot and died one day later, on Tuesday, April 11 at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCMH).

Originally from Georgetown, Dallaway said he and Brudy were friends and he was standing a few feet away from him when a masked gunman, dressed in black, opened fire on Brudy, and a stray bullet struck him -Dallaway.

He said he has no question that the gunman intended to end Brudy’s life and he, Dallaway, was caught in the crossfire as was “Marshmallow”, a white dog that was struck two times by the shots from the gunman’s firearm.

“I’m in pain and don’t feel good about what happened…way me go do, wrong place at the wrong time,” Dallaway said on Wednesday while sitting on a chair in Pole Yard in the same area where he was shot.

He said this is the first time he is personally experiencing such levels of violence in his 51 years of life but noted that the area has had its share of murder and mayhem.

The mason, who spent three days in hospital, said the situation is upsetting in many ways, among them, he lost a friend and he is now unable to work because of his injuries.
“Too much violence. I don’t know what to do to stop that,” he commented.

Meanwhile, police say they are conducting an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the shooting that resulted in the 11th homicide in St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) so far for this year.

Persons with information that can help with this investigation are asked to contact the Assistant Commissioner of Police in charge of crime at 1-784-457-1211 extension 4816; the officer in charge of the Criminal Investigations Department/Major Crimes Unit at 1784-456-1810; the officer in charge of the South Central Division at 1784-458-4200; or any police station or police officer with whom you feel comfortable speaking.

The police say that all information obtained will be kept in strict confidence.