Junior Jarvis expresses remorse for taking life, asks  family for forgiveness
Junior Jarvis
Front Page
March 10, 2023

Junior Jarvis expresses remorse for taking life, asks family for forgiveness

As he awaits his sentence for killing banker, Randy Lawrence, convicted murderer, Junior Jarvis has been expressing remorse.

The 52 year old has apologised for committing the February 14, 2017 murder of Lawrence at Arnos Vale. Jarvis a former Journalist appeared at High Court #1 on March 9 for his sentencing.

However, Justice Brian Cottle adjourned the sentence to today after he received a substantial amount of information from the defence which he needed time to examine and digest.

Before the prisoner made his apology, his lawyer, Kay Bacchus Baptiste highlighted her displeasure with the social inquiry report. The lawyer described sections of the report as “unfair” and “one sided.”

She asked the court that Jarvis be allowed to express his remorse in his own words as he had written a letter of apology but she did not think the report sufficiently highlighted his remorse.

Jarvis apologised to the family of Randy Lawrence as well as his own family.

“I had absolutely no intention of taking Randy or any other life on February 14, 2017 or on any other time for that matter. If I could have changed the things that took place between us I would have done it and chances are none of us would be in this situation today,” Jarvis said in court yesterday.

He asked the family of the deceased to find it in their hearts to forgive him. He also apologized to his family for the disappointment and pain that he has caused them.

“…we have been here before and we made every effort not to make history repeat itself but I let us down and I am sorry,” Jarvis said.

His message to his children was that while he may not be around physically, he is still alive and “where there is life there is hope.”

He also apologized to everyone else who believed in him.

He said that he is sorry that Arisha Pompey and Josette Smith decided to take the position that they took in the matter.

“ I am sorry that you chose to say the things you said, I will be lying if I said I don’t know why you took that direction…”,Jarvis added. He said he was not angry nor is he bitter but while seeking forgiveness, he must also forgive.

The prisoner said that on the morning of the murder he did not wake up and chose violence. “I think some stupid things, but taking lives was not and was never part of my plan.” he said.

Jarvis claimed that many things were taken out of context and he did not explain himself properly when he had the opportunity. He went on to speak about unfaithfulness in the relationship he had at the time but was prevented from saying more by his lawyer who told him she only wanted him to make his apology.

Bacchus-Baptiste asked the court to consider the defendant’s remorse. She also asked that the court considers his statement “where there is life there is hope” and she asked the court not to take away hope from him.