Escaped convict nabbed around Kingstown Park (+VIDEO)
The screen shot from a CCTV camera in Lower Kingstown Park shows a police officer from the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court in hot pursuit of escaped convict Javill Williams who made a dash for freedom yesterday. The policeman was running in socks as both shoes flew off during the chase. (INSET) Javill Williams (File Photo)
Front Page
February 28, 2023

Escaped convict nabbed around Kingstown Park (+VIDEO)

Javill Williams’ attempt to escape police custody at the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court has resulted in him being slapped with a new charge, just minutes after he was sentenced on five charges.

The 25-year-old Ottley Hall resident gave one police officer a gruelling, physical workout on Monday, February, 27 when he made a mad dash from the court while being escorted to a police transport vehicle.

He was in the presence of two police officers, one behind and one to his rear right, when he sprinted in the direction of Kingstown Park. One police officer gave chase but was unable to lay hands on Williams.

Another police transport vehicle which was parked at the entrance to the Serious Offences Court quickly sprung into action and pursued Williams. They were able to apprehend him in quick time, not too far from the court compound.

Williams was charged with escaping lawful custody and will appear in the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court to answer to this charge at a later date.

SEARCHLIGHT understands that this is not the first time Williams has shown his proclivity as a run away; he escaped from the Mental Health Center earlier this year after he had been remanded by the Court to undergo psychiatric evaluation. At the time he had been charged with burglary. He was later taken back to the court where the case was adjudicated and he was ordered to pay compensation.

At his most recent court appearance, Williams was sentenced on five charges. He received two months behind bars on a theft charge; 12 months for burglary and damage to property which occurred on January 3 and 4; and six months for burglary and damage to property which occurred on February 21 and 22.

The sentences will run concurrently.