Government reaches agreement with Daniel over his lands at Sandy Bay
Front Page
October 21, 2022

Government reaches agreement with Daniel over his lands at Sandy Bay

GOVERNMENT PLANS TO BUILD 20 houses in Sandy Bay on lands owned by Deputy Prime Minister, Montgomery Daniel.

This follows agreement reached by Cabinet with Daniel on the exchange of government lands at Orange Hill, for lands in Sandy Bay owned by Daniel.

Speaking on NBC radio on Wednesday, Gonsalves said the Cabinet agreement was reached last week, in the absence of Daniel.

He explained that there are some people who want to stay in Sandy Bay, and Daniel’s land is the only land available for housing construction there.

While the lands will be exchanged, Daniel is to be paid for the house which he has on the property.

The sum to be paid for the house was not disclosed.

Gonsalves restated that the house will be refurbished and transformed into a health clinic.

Apart from the construction of houses on the land, part of the property will also be used for a playing field and a cemetery.

The Prime Minister called into the radio station

on Wednesday from Montserrat where has gone to attend a Heads of Government meeting of the Organisation Of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).

The Prime Minister is due to return home tomorrow, October 21.