PM tells SCL successors to stay out of SVG
Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves is surrounded in Central Kingstown by supporters of the Unity Labour Party last Sunday during a whistle stop in the constituency
Front Page
October 20, 2020

PM tells SCL successors to stay out of SVG

Alleging that foreigners are running the New Democratic Party’s (NDP) election campaign, Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves says he will not allow them entry into St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG).

Gonsalves also believes that these foreigners are only interested in defeating the Unity Labour Party (ULP) in order to introduce a Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program here.

“For 31 years, Chatoyer and the Garifuna and the Calinago fought the foreigners over the soul of this country.

“Chatoyer was defeated by superior arms and I will tell those foreigners this, we will fight till our deaths; we will never ever sell our passports or our citizenship,” Gonsalves told party supporters while speaking at the re-launch of his constituency office in Georgetown on Saturday.

He alleged that the NDP’s campaign is controlled, paid for and run by foreigners based in Switzerland and Hong Kong.

“Run by passport sellers. They hired the successors to SCL to try to steal up the minds of Vincentians, but I am telling them if they put foot in St Vincent and the Grenadines, they will not leave here,” Gonsalves threatened without explaining what he meant.

The “SCL” mentioned is believed to be Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL Group)/Cambridge Analytica, an entity known for using “mind bending” techniques to influence the outcome of elections around the world.

Earlier this year, Gonsalves told radio listeners that SCL had been working on behalf of the NDP against the ULP since 1998 and in 2009, they worked with the ‘Vote No’ campaign and were successful in defeating the referendum on the proposed new constitution.

Gonsalves said that these people are allowed to run the NDP’s campaign from overseas.

“…They could run it from overseas, but ah tell you something, we have our intelligence you know, we have our intelligence,” said Gonsalves who is seeking a fifth consecutive victory for his party at the polls.

The Prime Minister said he listened to a speech made by Leader of the Opposition Godwin Friday on October 9, one day after parliament was dissolved, and it was generic.

“The speech was written for Friday by foreigners from overseas just like when they had written one for Eustace when he took it out of the manila envelope on that fateful Saturday [, December 4, a few days before the general elections in 2010].

“That speech had absolutely nothing to do with St Vincent and the Grenadines. The speech could have been written by people in Iowa running for state election. In Brussels, in Burkina Faso, in Ecuador…” Gonsalves said.

He opined, “Friday and his team have no creative juices in them. They are a bunch mimic men and mimic women wanting to sell this country to the highest bidder in relation to the passport; that never will that happen.”