Cops block mason from  cementing  marriage
Brent Samuel
Front Page
December 11, 2018

Cops block mason from cementing marriage

A mason from Ottley Hall, in allegedly attempting to tie the knot for a second time, has become entangled in two charges, including attempted bigamy.

Brent Samuel, 36-year-old mason from Ottley Hall, now faces the possibility of jail as the two charges which he received at the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court yesterday were laid indictably.

Therefore, his case will be moved upwards, to be tried by the High Court, if there is found to be enough evidence to do so.

Samuel was also not required to plea to the charges, the first of which is, that he did, on November 22, in Kingstown, “give to one Nanton of Cane End, she being a person employed in the Public Service, information in the truth of which you did not believe, namely that you are a bachelor, intending thereby to cause her to grant a marriage license, which she ought not to have done if the true facts respecting which such information is given, was known to her.”

Added to this, he was charged that he did, last Saturday, at Buccament, with the intent of committing bigamy, do an act which is more than merely preparatory to the commission of the offence.

Prosecutor Sergeant Renwick Cato had no objections to bail for Samuel, but requested that conditions for reporting to the police station be imposed. Cato asked that the matter be transferred to the Serious Offences Court, which resumes sitting on January 2.

Senior Magistrate Rickie Burnett applied reporting conditions to the Central Police Station every Monday, between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., while setting bail at $5,000, with one surety.
No-one had signed the bail bond for Samuel by the time the prisoners were transferred.