Former policeman found guilty on six counts of unlawful sexual intercourse
Eugene Noel
Front Page
November 16, 2018

Former policeman found guilty on six counts of unlawful sexual intercourse

A man who was a policeman at one point in his life, has been convicted for six counts of unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl, aged 12 at the time.

It was unanimously decided by a jury of nine this Tuesday that the accused Eugene Noel was guilty on six counts of having unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13 years. Noel is father to a son and a daughter, and has served in the police force. However, at the time the offences were committed, he was not a policeman.

Counsel for the crown, Karim Nelson, conducted the prosecution’s case against Noel, who represented himself for the most part, a lawyer being appointed to him only for the purpose of cross examining the victim.

Noel, who was previously on bail, has been remanded at Her Majesty’s Prison, and will be sentenced on December 7.

It was said that Noel, who was 28 years old at the time, had met his victim on the street. That he had approached her and started a conversation. This was apparently how he had learnt that she was going to a particular secondary school. The two were evidenced to have boarded the same bus, and he is said to have kissed her in said bus. This was their first meeting.

The prosecution’s case encompassed incidents which occurred on three dates, these being January 13, February 3, and February 14, in the year 2014.

The evidence was that there was one instance of sexual intercourse on January 13, and that this occurred when the victim was in her school uniform, as it was the first day of school.

The act itself happened in the washroom of a place that sells fried chicken. Evidence indicated that the defendant and the victim were in a ‘relationship’, and that Noel had given her a ring on this day.

On February 3, it was the defendant’s birthday and he apparently asked the girl to leave school, and come over to his house to spend the day with him. The evidence had been that the defendant had given the girl a phone so that he could maintain contact with her. Three of the counts Noel was charged with apparently happened on this day.

Lastly, on February 14, the defendant asked the girl to come to his house again. On all three occasions the victim was said to have been in school uniform. The last two counts of unlawful intercourse stemmed from this occasion.

On no occassion was Noel said to have used protection.

Justice Brian Cottle ordered that a social inquiry report be completed before Noel is sentenced.