Family baffled over woman’s killing
Front Page
August 24, 2018

Family baffled over woman’s killing

Family members of a woman who died at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital on Wednesday after being stabbed, have no idea why anyone would want to kill her.

Brenda Layne, 48, received a stab wound to her neck while at Lower Bay Street, Kingstown and later died at the hospital.

The mother of six is a security guard and is said to have been making her way home, after working the night shift at the St Vincent Electricity Services Limited (VINLEC).

Brenda Layne

Samanctus Glasgow, Layne’s partner of four years, told SEARCHLIGHT that he was at home when he heard what happened.

As he awaited the autopsy results at the hospital morgue yesterday, Glasgow told SEARCHLIGHT that after receiving the tragic news, he left the home where they lived together and went to the hospital, where he got to see her for the last time before she died.

A video showing a man walking up to Layne and stabbing her on the neck before running away has been making the rounds of social media. The footage appears to be from a security camera feed.
Glasgow, who is popularly known as ‘Yardi’, said he had seen the video.

“That look like he plan that out,” the Chauncey resident said. “When me watch the video, me can’t believe.”

He described his partner as a nice woman and said that he “just feel funny” about the whole situation.

Her nephew, Dexter Layne also expressed similar feelings about the death of his aunt, saying that he couldn’t feel good about what happened to her.

He described her as “one ah me best auntie” who was always smiling, loving and caring.

Layne said that he could not imagine why anyone would want to hurt her especially since she never got into trouble with anyone.

Other family members sat outside of the morgue yesterday, with tears welled up in their eyes as they too awaited the autopsy results of their loved one.

Police say that a suspect is in custody and assisting with the investigation.