Contract renewed! LIME retains ‘Super Platinum’ status
Front Page
February 21, 2014

Contract renewed! LIME retains ‘Super Platinum’ status

General Manager of telecommunications provider LIME Leslie Jack, and chief executive officer of the Carnival Development Corporation (CDC) Ashford Wood say that they are looking forward to another two years of continued partnership between their organizations.{{more}}

Both men were speaking at the signing of a new two-year contract on Tuesday this week, at the LIME conference room in Kingstown.

The contract, which renews LIME’s sponsorship of ‘Vincy Mas’, comes at the end of their previous three-year agreement and sees the landline, broadband and mobile company maintaining its ‘Super Platinum’ status in the June to July national celebrations.

“Lime has been partnering with us for a number of years and we are extremely pleased with the relationship that has developed…. We know that they help to keep the carnival spirit alive, since they host and sponsor other carnival activities which are staged at various venues in and around Kingstown. It is well known that lime remains the host of one of the largest advertising bands on Mondays…,” Wood said during his presentation, speaking on behalf of CDC chairman Dennis Ambrose, who was suffering from a sore throat.

The CEO also indicated that he regarded LIME as a good corporate citizen, and said that he believes that based on Jack’s excitement and enthusiasm, the company would live up to expectations.

LIME’s GM also expressed his pleasure with the new pact.

Jack said that he was happy with the progress that the CDC has made over the years, and he was satisfied with the plans that they have for this year’s carnival, which runs from June 27 to July 8, after the official launch on May 3.

“We’ve had a very excellent working relationship with the CDC over the years.

“One of the things with LIME, especially when we are making an input into any particular project, we do give feedback in terms of how we think that particular project is going or how we think they can improve on that particular project, and generally we have had those meetings with the CDC and they have always welcomed our suggestions and our guidance on how they can improve on various shows or on the carnival in general,” Jack pointed out.

“Carnival 2014 is particularly important to LIME, because we will be launching 4G with carnival, and in addition to that I think it is a critical moment for us as Vincentians to sell that product particularly at this time, especially around the economic climate that exists.

“ I think now more than ever we need to sell this product even more, and hence LIME has engaged a number of local Vincentians to build an ‘app’. One ‘app’ will be identified that would be used on all of LIME 4G handsets, so persons can see and know ‘where the lime is,’” he added.

Without expressing the true value of the Super Platinum sponsorship, the officials hinted that the total amount was in excess of $100,000.

Jack noted that the figure was being kept confidential, in order to protect the company’s future bids for sponsorship, but indicated that the LIME would be “maintaining and in some areas expanding, the partnerships for carnival.

“What you do not expect from us is to provide any less value than we have been providing over the years.”

The levels of sponsorship for carnival are bronze, silver, gold, platinum and super platinum.