Front Page
January 4, 2008
Sad End

Rose Hall records last homicide for 2007

Terry Brown, a 36-year-old farmer of Rose Hall, closed off 2007’s staggering record for homicides at 36, when he succumbed to a stab wound to the chest on Old Year’s Day.

The incident took place at Rose Hall around 7:35 a.m, just behind the victim’s house.{{more}}

SEARCHLIGHT understands that Brown got into a dispute with his cousin Luke Williams, and after a brief scuffle was stabbed in the chest with a pair of scissors.

Brown was taken to the Chateaubelair Hospital in his car by a relative but was pronounced dead upon arrival. After the stabbing, the assailant ran to the Rose Hall Police Station and turned himself in.

Brown was the father of four children. His distraught mother Inetha Williams told SEARCHLIGHT, “I will miss him very much but I have to be satisfied”.

Brown’s father Morsley Williams is the brother of William’s mother Clidette Williams. Luke lived in a two-room house next to Brown’s house. Up to press time, Williams had not been charged as an autopsy had not yet been carried out. (AC)