Chateau’s oldest resident – 99 on Christmas Day
Front Page
December 21, 2007

Chateau’s oldest resident – 99 on Christmas Day

At least two aspects of popular birthday wish “Long Life, Peace and Prosperity” ring true for Chateaubelair’s oldest resident, Amanda Clementina Edwards.{{more}}

Popularly known as Cousin Manda, Edwards was born on Christmas Day in 1908. However, last Christmas, her family celebrated her 99th birthday by mistake. The error was discovered when SEACHLIGHT interviewed relatives while doing research to write a story about her on her one-hundredth birthday.

After the error was discovered, SEARCHLIGHT staff members, who had already agreed to pool together and donate a food hamper to her, decided that 99 was good enough, and went ahead and made the donation.

Apparently, longevity runs in the Amanda’s family: her mother Margaret lived until she was 105 years old, while her older sibling Beatrice is 102 and lives in Kingstown. Her younger siblings Odessa and Rita are 94 and 89 years old, respectively.

Amanda spent most of her working life a labourer on the Land Settlement Estate in Richmond; she brushed coconut, picked cotton, planted and reaped arrowroot and worked in bananas.

Four of Amanda’s six children are still alive; she has close to 20 grand children, many great grand children and a few great-great grand children.

Although Amanda is blind and cannot walk because of arthritis, she is still mentally alert with few serious ailments. Her youngest child Mathias said that although longevity runs in the family, hard and simple living contributes to his mother’s long life.

Amanda, who lives in her own modest wattle and daub house next to Mathias at Coco Village in Chateaubelair, expressed thanks for the items; her son also expressed his gratitude.

The food items were handed over by 10-year-old Grantley Bramble Jr., SEARCHLIGHT’s youngest vendor, who wished her a Happy Birthday. She reciprocated by telling him to be a good boy and trust in God. Next year when Amanda reaches 100, SEARCHLIGHT will be right there to celebrate with her.