Student threatened with gun
Front Page
October 5, 2007

Student threatened with gun

The introduction of security officers at his school couldn’t have come sooner for Mitchroy Lavia, a student of the Petit Bordel Secondary School (PBSS), after he was threatened with a gun while on school premises last week Friday.{{more}}

Lavia told SEARCHLIGHT that he had got into an altercation with another student earlier in the day. However, he had forgotten about the incident until he was confronted by the student’s older brother later in the afternoon.

Lavia said that he was near to the school gate when someone tapped him on his back saying: “Boy, way yo hit me brother fah?” Lavia said that they got into a scuffle, and as he was getting the upper hand, the youngster lifted his shirt and palmed a gun that was stuck in his waistband. “I then forgot about fighting and ran,” Lavia said.

A teacher at the school told Searchlight that the student with whom Lavia had the altercation used his cell-phone to call his brother, who turned up on the school’s compound with a gun.

The matter is under investigation by the Chateaubelair police.

Beginning Monday, October 1, security guards took up duty at the Petit Bordel Secondary School. According to reports reaching Searchlight, the guards have been conducting searches on the students and are confiscating weapons and cell phones.