Man on murder charge
Front Page
July 20, 2007

Man on murder charge

Chief Magistrate Simone Churaman has placed 43-year-old Ezekiel Jacobs of Diamond on remand until September 13, 2007, the date when the preliminary inquiry into the death of Ann-Marie Ledger, 39, vendor of Brighton will be held.{{more}}

Angry and curious onlookers gathered outside the Serious Offences Court last week Thursday (see photo on back page) to get a glimpse of Jacobs, who has been charged with Ledger’s murder.

Ledger met her death on Sunday July 8 after she was chopped about her body and face. During the attack one forearm was severed, the other was left dangling at the elbow.

SEARCHLIGHT understands that Ledger and Jacobs were involved in an argument over money the night before she was killed. The following day, Ledger was hacked her to death in front of her children.

Ledger was the mother of nine children; three of which Jacobs fathered.(KW)