Man charged for brutal slaying
Front Page
December 15, 2006

Man charged for brutal slaying

Anger and frustration vented outside the Kingstown Magistrate’s court early Thursday morning as placard-bearing Vincentians from all walks of life came to protest the slaying of 21 year-old Stacy Wilson.

Shorn Samuel, a 35 year old labourer of Vermont was charged for the December 11, 2006 murder of Wilson. He was not allowed to plea to the charge as it was an indictable offence.{{more}}

While in the defendant’s box, Samuel asked Acting Senior Magistrate Donald Browne if he could be granted bail, but it was denied.

Shorn Samuel

Under grey skies and inclement weather protesters waited in high anticipation to see Samuel’s face.

Placards which read: “Stop the violence against women and girls” were held high in the air even before Samuel was brought handcuffed to Court and they remained there for the 15 to 20 minute duration of the appearance.

On arrival at Court Samuel hid his face from the public causing a huge uproar.

“I feel really sad about this, Stacy could have been my daughter, he should be a dead man today,” cried Brenda Barrow. “The law should hang him today, we need justice.”.

Angry Vincentians waited in the rain just to see the face of Shorn Samuel.

Former classmates Rukiya Clarke-Palmer and Soyini Clarke-Palmer poured out their grief to SEARCHLIGHT: “It is a very tragic and terrifying situation, what is St Vincent coming to?” they asked. “We need more armed security at the Bus Terminal, we need more unity and love.”

Samuel is to reappear at the Serious Crimes Court on Thursday December 20.