Man halts proceedings in hot water burning case
From the Courts, News
May 14, 2024

Man halts proceedings in hot water burning case

A WOMAN from Union Island who claimed to have acted in self defence when she threw hot water over a man that caused him to be hospitalised, walked free from court yesterday May 13, 2024, after the victim told the court he did not wish to continue the matter.

Verone Billy appeared at the Serous Offences Court before Senior Magistrate, Colin John to answer to the indictable charge that on December 22, 2023, at Maury, Clifton, Union Island, she did unlawfully and maliciously cause grievous bodily harm to Kyle Lewis of Maury, Clifton, Union Island with intent to do so.

When Billy was called to the box, Prosecutor, Inspector Renrick Cato informed the court that Lewis wished to take a particular course of action in the matter.

Lewis testified to the court that he had made a report about Billy injuring him but he did not wish to proceed with the matter. He also said that he made this decision of his own free will.

Prosecutor Cato then asked that Billy be discharged.

The Senior Magistrate dismissed the case and told Billy that she was “free to go”.

Billy had prior been arraigned at the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court where Corporal 590 Martin informed the court that Lewis had sustained burns to 22.5 per cent of his body, and was hospitalised as a result of the injuries.

SEARCHLIGHT understands that Billy and Lewis were in a relationship, and that the burns were caused after Billy allegedly threw a container of hot water on Lewis during a disagreement. Billy told the court that had she acted out of self-defence.