Sion Hill duo charged with possession of firearms and ammunition
Kelvin McKie (left) and Stevan Stephens
From the Courts
March 27, 2023

Sion Hill duo charged with possession of firearms and ammunition

Two residents of Sion Hill appeared at the Serious Offences Court on Monday, charged with possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition.

Kelvin McKie and Stevan Stephens were arrested on March 24, during a stop and search of a vehicle they were travelling in at Dorsetshire Hill.

According to a source close to the investigation, last Friday evening, during a search of vehicle P 1133, a Glock 22 firearm and ammunition were discovered.

Further, on Saturday, March 25, armed with a search warrant, police conducted a search at the home of one of the men, where a .25 pistol was found.

When McKie and Stephens appeared before Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne, Mckie pleaded guilty to possession of the Glock 22 firearm and 16 rounds of .4 ammunition, while Stephens pleaded not guilty to that charge.

Stephens however pleaded guilty to possession of the .25 pistol.

McKie and Stephens will return to court on Thursday, March 30.