Man lands in hospital after allegedly being wounded by teenager
FARMER, Lee-Ronjay Slater
From the Courts
October 4, 2022

Man lands in hospital after allegedly being wounded by teenager

A TEENAGER HAS been charged for an alleged wounding incident that left a 33-year-old man recovering in the hospital for six days.

Farmer, Lee-Ronjay Slater, 19 years appeared at the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court (KMC) on Friday, September 30, charged that he unlawfully and maliciously wounded Delroy Wilson of Greenhill with intent so to do.

The alleged April 23 incident resulted in a laceration on the left shoulder, a laceration to the left index, and a 3cm puncture wound to the chest.

Wilson, a farmer and supervisor of a container company, had to be warded at the hospital for six days connected to a tube.

The accusation against Slater is indictable and he was not required to plea.

The prosecution lodged no objection to his bail, but asked that the accused makes no contact with Wilson and that he reports at set times to the police station in his district.

As such, Senior Magistrate, Rickie Burnett allowed bail in the sum of $8000 with one surety. He imposed a no contact order and reporting conditions to the Central Police Station every Friday.

The matter was adjourned and transferred to the Serious Offences Court(SOC) and yesterday the tentative date for the preliminary inquiry was given as November 18.

Police say there is another suspect in the matter who remains in hiding.