Man granted bail after allegedly beating woman
Luther Badnock
From the Courts
January 7, 2020

Man granted bail after allegedly beating woman

After being on remand for two weeks while the woman he allegedly beat about the body remained in the hospital with a fractured skull, the 35-year-old accused has been granted bail.

When the matter was called yesterday the prosecution no longer objected to defendant Luther Badnock being allowed bail on the charge of unlawfully and maliciously wounding 32-year-old vendor Sherry Anne Joseph.

They informed Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne at the Serious Offences Court that Joseph had been discharged from the hospital.

For the previous weeks, since the alleged incident at Lower Bay Street Kingstown on December 21, Joseph had been at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and the female surgical ward at the hospital. She was said to be nursing a fractured skull and medical personnel were observing her.

Her injuries are said to be from a beating about the body with an unknown object, capable of cutting skin.

Bail was allowed in the sum of $7000 with one surety for the defendant. Badnock, a resident of Old Montrose, is to have no contact with Joseph.

The matter was adjourned to February 2, and transferred to the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court.