Convict advised to stop blaming Satan for his actions
From the Courts
August 21, 2018

Convict advised to stop blaming Satan for his actions

According to one accused, it was Satan and not he who had an appetite for avocadoes and breadfruit that do not belong to him.

Winston ‘Uncle Duck’ Horne is a 52-year-old man who was looking for salvation at the hands of Senior Magistrate Rickie Burnett yesterday.

Horne was charged that he did on August 8, at San Souci, enter on the farm lands of Alban Clarke with the intent of committing theft. On the same date, he was charged with doing an act which was more than merely preparatory to the offence.

He was also charged with, on August 16, in Diamonds, stealing 43 avocadoes, worth $43, from the property of Annis Warican of New Grounds.

The court learned that Alban Clarke had been keeping his eyes peeled on the morning of August 8, as he chained his animals on his land in San Souci. It was no wonder that Clarke was being attentive, as he apparently has a number of fruits and vegetables planted on his land.

After spotting the defendant going under his breadfruit tree, Clarke hid under a Spanish nut tree. After he stood up, the defendant apparently noticed him, jumped from the breadfruit tree, and ran. Startled, the harvester had left behind a knife, a brown bag, and breadfruit.

The venture on August 16 was reportedly more successful, and it was only after the crime had been committed, did the caretaker of the land notice that avocadoes were missing. Before long, the case of the missing avocadoes was solved when they were found on the person of the defendant by the police.

It was revealed that the defendant had a substantial record, even though it was not up to date.

“Mr Horne, you need to stop this thing. When are you going to stop?” Senior Magistrate Rickie Burnett asked Horne.

Horne asked that he be put on a bond, and the Magistrate responded, “So it takes a bond for you to behave yourself…in 2012 you were placed on a bond, and did you behave yourself?”
He asked the defendant for some kind of reasoning for his actions.

Horne replied that it was Satan.

“Can’t be Satan,” the Magistrate said, telling the defendant that it was “your bad mind.” “Stop blame Satan for your own actions,” he stated.

Horne conceded, saying it was his own mind, Burnett agreeing, “your own mind…that is true.”

However, Burnett indicated, “Although three charges were brought, I will take them as two.”

He ordered compensation in the sum of $43 to be paid forthwith, knowing that the defendant had said that he was in possession of the cash. Indeed, one of the first things the defendant did was present the wad of cash pleadingly.

Further, Horne was ordered to be bonded in the sum of $1,500 for year. If he should breach the terms of the bond, and he does not pay this money forthwith, he will spend three months in prison.
“I’m going to remember your name and your face okay? Don’t come back,” warned the Senior Magistrate.

Horne wiped his eyes, stopping himself so that he wouldn’t cry anymore.