From the Courts
February 14, 2014

Vincentian deported from Canada fined for marijuana possession

A 27-year-old woman who was recently deported from Canada after serving time for importing narcotics was on Wednesday, at the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court, fined $2,500 for marijuana possession.{{more}}

Jolene Patterson, a resident of Glen, pleaded guilty to possession of 846 grams of cannabis, when she appeared before magistrate Rechanne Browne-Matthias.

She was ordered to pay the fine forthwith or spend six months in jail.

Information surfacing at the court stated that on February 11, at about 11:15 a.m., PC 801 Pompey was on duty at the Grenadines Wharf when she received information pertaining to Patterson.

Acting on that information, Pompey approached Patterson and requested a search on her person and a bag that she was carrying.

During the bag search, a black plastic bag was found with two taped packages, which contained the drug.

Patterson, who is unemployed, said she has a young child to support.

When questioned by prosecutor Assistant Superintendent Glenford Gregg, Patterson said she was recently deported from Canada after being convicted of narcotics importation and sentenced to 17 months imprisonment.