From the Courts
October 12, 2007

Seven more Venezuelans arrested

Just two weeks after it was alleged that local police and Venezuelan fishermen were involved in a shoot-out, killing two Venezuelans, as fate would have it, seven more Venezuelans were arrested late Monday night off the Coast of Union Island.{{more}}

Police arrested Pedro Urubay Monoche, 45, David Valdiviezo, 31, Carlos Manuel Gonzales Vargas, 23, Marcos Suarez, 20, Juan Jose Martinez, 33, Angel Jose Bellorin and Angel Juari Vasquez, both 36, for operating a power craft in territorial waters of St Vincent and the Grenadines without a visible light.

They appeared before the Kingstown Magistrates’ Court yesterday.

Police told SEARCHLIGHT that the men were intercepted off Chatham Bay in Union Island during routine operations by the local coast guard shortly after 10 pm on Monday.

It was further confirmed that nothing illegal was found on the vessel.

The seven other Venezuelans who were brought before the courts last Friday were given deportation orders when they appeared before Senior Magistrate Donald Browne.

Valentine Dominguez, 52, Teddoro Dominguez, 39, Andreas Jose Maraeo, 39, and 26 year-old Merchor Sanchez each pleaded guilty to “visiting St Vincent and the Grenadines on a vessel without notifying the Comptroller of Customs as to the expected time of arrival, not less than one working day before their arrival”.

The men were, however, remanded to her Majesty’s Prisons until October 16, when they will reappear in court on a charge of discharging a firearm.(KW)