The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) Unit  Celebrates 1 Year
May 26, 2023

The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) Unit Celebrates 1 Year

The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), a Unit within the Ministry of Public Service, Consumer Affairs and Sports was launched on May 24, 2022 and officially commenced operations in July 2022. The Unit has an eight-member staff comprising of the coordinator, an intake officer, an administrative assistant and six counsellors.

The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) was designed to create an enabling environment for the holistic well-being of all public servants. The programme seeks to reinforce the Government’s commitment to fostering a healthy, stable and productive workforce. This is carried out through the intervention of professional and confidential counselling services and social support for employees experiencing personal or work-related problems that are negatively impacting their lives, and which may affect their ability to perform effectively on the job. The services also cater to their immediate family members.

Apart from counselling services, the Unit facilitates on-going training for Public Service Supervisors, as they play an integral role in the process of referral of employees to the EAP.

Training to equip employees with skills in problem solving and coping mechanisms for a wide range of situations will commence soon.

Since the commencement of operations, the unit has provided counselling service for close to 40 individual clients, as well as grief sessions within departments in the Public Service.

Sensitization of the programme throughout the Public Service has been taking place since April last year and over 50 Ministries/Departments have been sensitized.

The Unit is currently taking this awareness to the schools focusing on teachers across the country. With the continued sensitization across the public service, the EAP Unit is expected to see a steady increase in uptake of the programme.

It has been a pleasure to serve our nation’s workers for the past year and we look forward to assisting others.

The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) Unit

Contact us Today

Location:  The Unit is located on the second floor of the St. Vincent Automotive Co-operative Building, corner of Tyrell and Queen Streets, Rose Place, Kingstown

Telephone: 784-570-6718 ext. 5451

Email .