SVGTCCU celebrates its 44th anniversary
May 27, 2022

SVGTCCU celebrates its 44th anniversary

ON TUESDAY 24 May 2022, the St Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers Co-Operative Credit Union Ltd celebrated its 44th anniversary in extraordinary fashion. Visits were organised to three major institutions that cater to the needs of the poor and the vulnerable. The visiting contingent comprised the following: President: Miriam Roache; Chief Executive Officer: Jasmine Huggins – Daly; Secretary, Board of Directors – Artillon Hamilton; Supervisory and Compliance Committee Representative – Doris D. Charles; Compliance Officer: Jozell Byron; Marketing Manager: Melissa Yorke – Nicholls; Education and Marketing Committee – Johnny P Straker.

The first of the institutions to be visited was the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital. The team selected the Paediatric Ward as the recipients of gifts for children who were in need. The Chief Executive Office and the President made brief remarks during their presentations to Sis. Providence. A warm welcome was extended to the delegation and as Sis Providence stated, “such donations are always welcomed and are needed especially at this time when some mothers are unable to provide adequately for themselves.”

A mother was introduced to the team as she cradled her baby and lovingly and graciously accepted the donations of baby items of diapers and baby wipes.

The recipient mother stated that she was delighted to accept the donations on behalf of other mothers in need as well as on behalf of her own baby. She complimented the SVGTCCU for the timely interventions in the lives of mothers like herself who would otherwise have been left undone.

Some onlookers were adamant about the fact that the SVGTCCU must be justly proud to demonstrate their corporate social responsibility in these tangible ways.

Next, the delegation journeyed onwards in the north westerly direction towards the Golden Years Centre at Pembroke. On arrival, Ann Jones, the Co-ordinator of this Centre, graciously accepted donations on behalf of residents. She highlighted the fact that, she too was a member of the SVGTCCU and that this was the right decision to give back to society and especially to the Centre.

Jones mentioned that the Centre was fully operational since persons were still housed post the volcanic eruption. Other members of Staff were on hand to witness the hand over. Again, the President and the CEO were centre stage in these presentations.

Again, emphases were placed on the corporate conscience of the SVGTCCU that generally follows a basic business model. Members pool their money – technically they buy shares in the Co-operative.

In this way, many members were able to acquire loans, demand deposit accounts and access other financial products and services to its member. The income generated is generally used to fund projects and services that benefit the community and the interests of its members.

The presentation to this Home was a brilliant way in which the SVGTCCU used some of its income to give back to the community. It is hoped that the Home and its residents will benefit from the same.

The Guadeloupe Home for Girls was the last institution visited. At least two females reportedly below the age of 18 years were visible from the vantage point on the lower porch where the members of the contingent stood. The presentation ceremony to the Assistant House Mother was very engaging conversation- wise. The corporate soul of SVGTCCU was evidently present.

The Cooperative philosophy speaks to all; and especially to our nation through some words in this song that exemplified how brothers and sisters could live in co-operation: “With us there are no barriers, ‘Cause we are all the same, the more of us the happier, The louder we’ll proclaim, That we are owner members, Our rule is honesty, We are the Credit Union, And all the world can see.

The concept that “together we give and receive, together we help each other to achieve…as it’s not safe to be alone.”; The call is always the same from the inception of the SVGTCCU to this day, “let’s make each other’s cares to be our own.”; The co-operative philosophy which is upheld by the SVGTCCU is probably one that is akin to genuine and heartfelt Christian principles. Loving and caring for those who are less fortunate, visiting the sick, bringing relief to those who are in need, greatest need and providing a wider range of financial services and products to its members.

SVGTCCU demonstrates its continuing obligation to do and to be! May the SVGTCCU continue to be the best expressions of itself and of its corporate conscience.

Long live the SVGTCCU and happy 44th anniversary.

Written by: Sis. Doris Charles Volunteer on SVGTCCU Ltd. Supervisory & Compliance Committee