National Heroes  Day 2014  a blast at Fancy (+video)
There was a large turnout in Fancy for the 2014 National Heroes Day activities (FILE PHOTO)
March 18, 2014

National Heroes Day 2014 a blast at Fancy (+video)

The Fancy community was abuzz with entertainment on March 14,  2014 National Heroes Day, as villagers, persons from surrounding areas and even people from as far as Chateaubelair journeyed to the North Windward constituency to partake in their annual festivities.

Put on by the Fancy Unity Farmers Co-operative and the North Windward Tourism Association, the activity, which is now into its 10th year, saw a number of groups and individuals performing cultural items and persons flocking to the food stalls to partake of some of the local delicacies.

Some of the food on display included: madungo bakes, cassava bread, fried fish, ducana, among others.

Despite the intermittent rain, persons were still seen making their way to the park, even though their vehicles were parked more than 20 minutes away from where the festivities were being staged.

Performances on the day came from the Fancy Government School, Fancy Choir, Fancy Drama group, Urban Expression drummers, and others.

But perhaps the most entertaining segment of the day was the ‘LOL Miss Heroes Day’ which saw two women and two men, clad in women’s attire, engaging in interviews on different topics.

One contestant was asked about her opinion on global warming. In the comedic segment, the contestant replied “I think global warming is good for our health and if you have global warming you wouldn’t need a refrigerator in your house,” which brought loud laughter from the large crowded gathered stage side.

Other performances on the night came from: Rodney Small, Ipa, Skarpyon, Papa Iston, Brimstone, Bomani, Lime Soca Dans, Flava Band and Kyron Baptiste.

Featured speaker lawyer and Government senator Jomo Thomas urged the large gathering to view the day as a celebration of the works of the Kalinago and Garifuna people, and the life and legacy of national hero, Joseph Chatoyer.

Thomas who is also chairman of the National Reparations Committee (NRC), said while the activity takes on a “cultural flavour”, culture is a weapon that can be used for Vincentians gaining a better understanding of themselves and history.

According to Thomas, the NRC has been going into schools, villages and churches to speak on the tragedy that befell St Vincent and the Grenadines in 1795, when the British took over.

“As we eat, drink and celebrate, we must remember the reason why we are here. Part of the reason why we are, is because Joseph Chatoyer and our ancestors fought hard and long to defend the independence and sovereignty of St Vincent and the Grenadines. It is out of their efforts that so many of us are so strong and resilient,” Thomas said.

Area representative and Minister of Housing, Montgomery Daniel said he has already discussed with the co-ordinator of the event, Maxwell “Tajoe” Francis, that they should start thinking about ways to take the product to another area in the country.

“I think the majority of Vincentians have become accustomed to coming to Fancy because of the many local foods that are available to the nationals of this country,” Daniel said.

Also speaking at the event was Shafia London-Williams, commercial manager of the St Vincent Brewery.