GECCU – ‘A story of growth’
March 31, 2006

GECCU – ‘A story of growth’


The attainment by the General Employees Co-operative Credit Union (GECCU) of one hundred million dollars in assets is an example of “people’s economic power.”

That’s the view of Social Development Minister Mike Browne. He was giving brief remarks last Tuesday at a Cocktail reception to mark GECCU’s landmark.{{more}}

Browne, a former Education Minister, and known for his work among the masses, attributed GECCU’s success to their meeting members’ needs, ensuring their trust, and giving people control.

Browne, the parliamentary representative for West St. George, complimented GECCU on the fact that “ordinary people could come together and reach that figure.”

He recounted his record as a Credit Unionist and alluded to his roles in the formation of two units: the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers Cooperative Credit Union, and the Unity Labour Party’s Credit Union.

He boasted of his philosophy, which he indicated “emphasised faith in people.”

Browne echoed his government’s commitment to the Credit Union cause and pledged his government’s support to having the cooperative sector recognised.

President of the local Cooperative Credit Union League, Reuben John also addressed the gathering. He praised the role of Volunteers in GECCU’s landmark achievement.

John praised GECCU’s foundation members for their foresight.

“We have to build on that foundation,” John indicated, and he urged members to be “loyal to your Credit Union. Make your Credit Union your first stop.”

GECCU staged a celebration at the Kingstown Methodist Church Hall to commemorate the occasion.

Remarks also came from general manager Lennox Bowman as well as President Angela Martin.

Cultural performances featured OECS Soca monarch Orande ‘Bomani’ Charles, and reigning Ragga Soca King Shernelle ‘Skarpyon’ Williams, La Gracia Dancers and Geccu’s Danny-Lee Hinds.

GECCU, formed July 1964, has a membership of over 20,000 and has attained some level of recognition on the regional front. They are the second largest Credit Union behind Dominica’s Roseau Credit Union.