March 4, 2005
About the Barbados Fertility Centre

The Barbados Fertility Centre is run by a specialist team of Doctors, Nurses and Embryologists from the UK, Ireland and Barbados. It is the only full time fertility unit within the Caribbean region. {{more}}

Infertility affects 1 in 6 couples worldwide. Stress can be major factor in infertility and they offer fertility treatment to couples from across the Caribbean region, the UK and USA.

The idea of attracting couples from the UK is that they may receive world class treatment in a relaxing environment whilst enjoying the peace and tranquillity in the beautiful setting of Barbados. The combination of relaxation and a stress free holiday has contributed to the clinic’s success rate.

The cost of fertility treatment can be prohibitive so another attractive benefit of having this treatment in Barbados is that costs are a third of what people can expect to pay for private treatment in the UK. The cost of the treatment plus holiday package includes flights and accommodation.

Fertility decreases after 35 as women produce fewer eggs but the Centre has just published its results for 2004 and has reported an exceptional 56.3% success rate for pregnancy achieved using ICSI on couples under 40.

In the same report they have noted the male factor is very prevalent in the Caribbean and this was reflected in that 90% of their patients in 2004 required ICSI treatment.