Taking small steps towards Big Goals
Dr Jozelle Miller
January 30, 2024

Taking small steps towards Big Goals

I often heard the statement, “GO BIG OR GO HOME”, I am guessing I am not the only one encouraged to aim for the biggest possible outcome in life. The thing is, while it is excellent to dream and aspire on a large scale, it can also become daunting thinking about all what may be necessary to achieve the desired end. Today I would like to encourage each of us, that though we may have those big, grandiose dreams and goals, take your time in achieving them. Always remember slow and steady wins the race and it pays off to be conscientious and pay attention to the details.

Vincent Van Gogh stated, “Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”

Whatever the goal is, it is always wise to break it down into manageable, attainable pieces. If you’ve been working towards the same goal for a while, it can be thrilling to get super wrapped up in the final step, but, if you let the anxiety of the finished product take over, it could be destructive. The journey or the process is where we learn and grow. During the steps, there may be some setbacks or failures, the important thing will be to not lose faith in yourself and give up on your goals.


1. Once you know your goal(s), write them down! Writing down your goals means you can visually see them and gives you clarity and focus to achieve them! You can also then review your goals at any time and see you progress.

2. Set some timescales, with maybe a deadline to work to! This will not only help with motivation to take those steps but also will help you to follow through to completion!

3. Keep your mind focused on small steps. There is nothing wrong with progressing steadily if it gets you to where you want to go!

4. Work out how you are going to do it! Look at your skill sets, your life balance and implement a strategy or plan that will work for you! You can’t manage things that you don’t map out and measure, and you can’t improve on the things that you don’t properly manage!

5. When you reach your first, middle or last milestone, make sure you reward yourself! When you give yourself praise or a reward, your brain produces dopamine. This is a hormone that makes us feel good, which can also help to reduce stress and bring mental clarity!

6. Upgrade or change your daily habits! Daily progress and taking small steps towards your goals will undoubtedly trigger new behaviours, leading to long term positive change!

What are the benefits of taking small steps in achieving your goals?

  • Taking small steps every day enables you to make gradual and continuous improvements. It gives you daily purpose, personal satisfaction, and a better understanding of your own expectations.
  • Provides motivation that helps us to initiate, proceed and maintain our goal-orientated behaviours.
  • It helps you to see progress and celebrate your own successes. This boosts mental health as it gives a sense of accomplishment, increased self-esteem and confidence. You can build your confidence by simply acknowledging yourself more often.
  • Helps you to clarify what is important in your life, giving you more control over your future. And your future self will thank you for the work you put in along the way.
  • Helps you to retain your sense of ownership and control, allowing you to choose the steps that you take, rather than being driven in a direction you are not happy with.
  • Having short-term goals minimizes procrastination – you will get there much quicker! They are about the present. They force you to do your tasks now and not in the distant future.
  • Small steps create a clear and defined path to your destination, allowing you to focus on one thing at a time.

As we will soon wrap up the first month of 2024, take the time to set your long-term goals, but be mindful to break the larger goals into smaller manageable tasks, that will help you achieve success in the end. All the best with your endeavours for this year.