Transitioning from summer break to the Classroom – Parents & Children Part-2
Dr Jozelle Miller
August 30, 2022

Transitioning from summer break to the Classroom – Parents & Children Part-2

Going back to school is stressful for kids of all ages; so it is important that much is done to alleviate this stress and make the return as smooth as possible, for the children, parents and teachers.


Understand that the start of the school year can be daunting for the children. They will be filled with lots of nervous energy, anxiety and may feel extremely overwhelmed. As parents your role is of paramount importance to help in their transition and overall functioning.

Here are a few tips which may be useful for children going to school for the first time:

1. Meet the new teacher.

For children, one of the biggest back-to-school fears is “Will I like my new teacher?”

Breaking the ice early on is one of the best ways to calm everyone’s fears. Take advantage of any opportunity provided to meet the teacher before the commencement of school. Some teachers may welcome phone calls or e-mails – if they do, make use of these mediums to introduce your child to their teachers before the first day of school.

2. Tour the school.

On registration day, be sure to go. Familiarizing your child with the environment will help to avoid a nervous stomach on the first day.

3. Connect with friends.

A familiar friend can make all the difference when heading back to school. Find out if their friends from pre-school or a previous class may also be joining them for this new school year. This way they will have someone to look forward to meeting up with from day one

4. Tool up.

Obtaining the supplies needed for the class will place the child in a better position to begin their school year. Having the right tools will help him feel prepared. While keeping basic needs in mind, allow for a couple of splurges like their choice of book bag or a favourite-coloured pen. These simple pleasures make going back to school a lot more fun.

School supply lists also provide great insight into the schoolwork ahead. Get your child excited about upcoming projects by explaining how new supplies might be used. Let him/her practice using supplies they’ve not used before — such as a protractor — so they will be comfortable using them in class.

5. Chat about today’s events and tomorrow’s plans.

While it is important to support learning throughout the summer, don’t spend the last weeks of summer vacation reviewing last year’s curriculum or pressuring the child to read all the new material for the upcoming term. All kids need some down time before the rigours of school begin. For some children, last-minute drills can heighten anxiety, reminding them of what they’ve forgotten instead of what they remember.

6. Ease into the routine.

Switching from a summer to a school schedule can be stressful to everyone in the household. Avoid first-day-of-school mayhem by practising your routine a few days in advance. Set the alarm clock, go through your morning rituals, and get in the car or to the bus stop on time. Routines help children feel comfortable, and establishing a solid school routine will make the first day of school go much smoother.


1. Begin to wrap your minds around school. Double check with your parents that you have all the supplies needed for you to begin school.

2. From August, begin to reformat your sleep time. Get to bed earlier in preparation for school. Begin to wean yourselves off of the games and distractive devices which may have saturated your time during the summer break.

3. Get an Agenda! During the school year is such a busy time! Between taking test, doing home work, attending activities, and school events it can be really hard to keep track of everything. By keeping an updated agenda you can better manage your time and know what you have to accomplish. Having an agenda will definitely help you with time management. Time management is the key to being successful and staying on top of everything you need to do!

4. Know you’re Course Syllabus…Knowing your class schedule is so important for being successful in the course you will be taking. Teachers will typically hand out your syllabus in class or post it online. I highly suggest keeping it in a safe and convenient place so you can frequently view. Knowing when you have papers and projects due is also important for passing the course and keeping up your grades. Having the syllabus will allow you to plan ahead and give yourself proper time to complete every assignment and get great grades!

5. Do not Procrastinate…This is something that we have all been guilty of at some point and time in our lives, and we have all suffered the repercussions of it. Bear in mind, that a habit is created in three weeks so if you study for every course you’re taking daily, in 21 days that will be a new habit for you. Dedicating a little bit of time everyday to the courses you are taking is definitely going to positively impact your grades and make you a better student!

6. Know what is Expected of You! It is very important to know what your teachers are expecting from you. Pay attention to what the teacher is saying about the workload of the class and what they are hoping for you to get out of it. Teachers are supposed to want you to succeed so most likely they will provide you with what you need to do to thrive. Knowing their expectations and achieving them will help your year start smoothly.

Always remember that communicating with your teachers is essential in understanding their expectations.

7. Get involved… Getting involved with your school community is great because you can pursue your interest and meet peers who have the same and similar interest as you. Many studies have shown that students who are involved in sports and school activities are able to achieve higher overall grades. If you enjoy playing sports try out for the school team. If you are a musician or actor then join your school band or theatre company and share your talent with your peers. Join clubs that you are interested in and attend all the meetings. If your school doesn’t have the sports you play, a club you want to join, or a music program, then talk to your school administrators and see if you are able to start your own! It is amazing to have something that you are passionate about and enjoy doing so; never be afraid to pursue your interests.

8. Figure out what type of learner you are… We all have a unique way in which we learn! There are three main types of learning styles which are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Knowing what type of learner you are is going to help you be a better student and have better studying habits. When you are able to determine the type of learning style that is best for you, you will find better results when you are studying and it will result in higher test scores! I highly encourage you to do some research and determine the type of learner you are so you can personalize your studying.

9. List of academic goals…Write out a list of goals that you want to achieve for the upcoming school year! Do you want to improve your grades, or be at the top of your class? Decide in your mind that you can achieve all the goals you have set for this year!
When you write down every goal, you are able to plan and realize what you need to do to prepare for them. Having that list can be a driving and motivating force to help you work to achieve those goals.

Remember, every new school year is an opportunity for a fresh start, new friends, and to make it count. You have the potential to make this year one of the best ones yet!