The need for Emotional Intelligence
Dr Jozelle Miller
April 27, 2021
The need for Emotional Intelligence

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (E.I.) emerged from the premise that emotions have an impact on almost every aspect of human experience. It refers to the ability of an individual to use emotions effectively and productively; so in a day and age when it appears that most may engage in activities for the ‘likes’ which will then elicit a feeling of joy because of the assumed validation; it is very clear that acting from a place of intense emotion is quite common. To this end, learning how to regulate one’s emotions would be an asset in navigating all of

life’s experiences. Someone who is emotionally intelligent will not only be able to regulate his/ her emotions and behaviors, but will also be mindful of how others influence their emotional space on a daily basis as well.

What does emotional intelligence look like?

Here are a few signs that could indicate emotional intelligence:

  •       Viewed as an em- pathetic person by others
  •       Excellent problem solver
  •       Not afraid to be vulnerable and share your feelings
  •       Set boundaries and aren’t afraid to say “no”
  •       Can get along with people in different situations
  •      Able to shrug off a bad moment and move on
  •      Ask open-ended questions
  •       Can accept con- structive criticism without making excuses or blam- ing others
  •      Outstanding lis- tener
  •       Not afraid to admit your mistakes and apologize
  •       Self-motivated
  •      Understand your actions and behaviors

If you went through the list and found yourself lacking in anyway, do not be dismayed. Emotional Intelligence for some persons is not an innate trait but it can be learned, and as such can be improved upon from practice.

Improving your inter- actions with others is one way to learn emotional intelligence. Being em- pathetic doesn’t come naturally for everyone.

Make a concerted effort to put yourself in other’s shoes. By doing so, it’ll be easier to empathize with their situations and understand why they respond in certain ways.

Another way to build emotional intelligence is to practice humility and let others have a chance to shine for their accomplishments.

Additionally, work on improving how you handle difficult situations. If you often become upset, stressed, or angry, practice staying calm; Ask yourself a few questions to understand the root of your emotions. Remaining calm might necessitate walking away from a situation or taking deep breaths.

The key is learning how to control your emotions, and not let your emotions control you. Also, take responsibility for your actions and behavior. Con- structive feedback is a part of life. Rather than blame or make excuses, listen to feedback. Acknowledge the other person’s point of view, and then make the necessary improvements or adjustments.

In many instances, constructive feedback isn’t personal. It’s meant to help you grow as an individual. Enhancing your social skills can also help you become more emotionally intelligent. If you’re a heavy social media user, take a break from social media for one or two weeks and focus on face-to-face interactions.

As we are going through this difficult time in our Nation’s history; I encour- age everyone to strive each day to be emotionally intelligent. In this stressful time, let us all take respon- sibility for our words and actions and let us not be led by intense emotions without logic and reason. It is important that we strive to be positive and uplifting as oppose to being negative and destruc- tive by what we do.

There is much to gain from developing your emotional intelligence, and as a takeaway, I would like you to be reminded that the ability to know yourself and understand the emotions of others will have a positive impact on your relationships and help you succeed in every area of life.