Tips on overcoming inferiority complex
Dr Jozelle Miller
March 9, 2021
Tips on overcoming inferiority complex

• Figure out whom you feel inferior to in the first place. Normally, very physically attractive, rich, smart people or people with impressive, dynamic careers and large social groups are the reason for an inferiority complex. These people can be your friends, relatives or some popular person. Next, for each of these individuals, find at least one thing that you have, and they don’t. There will be something!

• Try to find the cause of your feelings. Inferiority complexes may come from something in your past. It may be a bad childhood experience, a traumatic event, or a combination of people putting you down over the years. Reflect on your past. Try to remember experiences that could have caused the inferiority complex. Who do you really feel inferior to? You have to look into the deeper reason behind your inferiority complex. Understanding these layers can help you find the root of your problem. And once you understand your feelings better, you can take the necessary steps to overcome them.

• Understand that we’re all inferior in some ways. Everyone on earth is inferior to someone in some way. Although someone may be the most beautiful and rich person, there will be someone with more intelligence or more compassion. On the flip side, everyone is superior to others in some way. Everyone is a different combination of positive attributes and flaws. Understanding this concept can help you start to view yourself more realistically.

• Stop wanting to be like others. Inferiority complexes are rooted in the desire to be just like someone else. They make you want to be someone you’re not. Just don’t try to be someone else. Be you.

• Stop Worrying About What Others Think. The bulk of such complexes come from obsessing over what other people think of you. Sometimes this will relate to things people have said to you, and at other times it will be all about what you imagine they think. We oftentimes find problems with ourselves based on if others find us good enough. This isn’t healthy thinking. At the end of the day, only your opinion of yourself matters. Research shows that when we feel good about ourselves, others feel better about ourselves in response.

• Build Your Self Confidence. Make a list of ten things you like about yourself and pin it up where you’ll see it every day. Include things from all facets of your life. There are a lot of things that make us up. You will have increased security and self-worth and you cement subconscious beliefs that you are valuable and worth taking care of.

• Positive Self-Talk. The term “self-talk” refers to how you speak to yourself in your own mind; this internal voice has an enormous impact on how you see yourself and your actions. Don’t think of yourself as stupid, ugly, unsuccessful, a failure, or anything else. What you need to do is locate negative self-talk, eliminate it, and replace it with self-affirming talk.

• Surround Yourself With Positive People. Remove toxic people from your life .in order to surround yourself with positivity. Nurture the friendships in which reciprocal listening, kindness, and responsibility are present. Find people who are just waiting to help you find the best version of yourself.

• Stop comparing yourself to everyone else. People with inferiority complexes spend too much time comparing themselves to everyone around them. You can’t compare yourself to someone else, because everyone has different background-genetics, family, circumstances, and opportunities.

• You need to be kind to yourself. Try to be kind. Practice self-care to your mind, body, and soul as well. Eat healthier food. Practice meditation. Go out and enjoy the things that you love doing.

• Don’t think in absolutes. Inferiority complexes make us think that if one thing could change, our lives would be great. Possession of material and superficial things won’t magically fix the problem. Focusing on the strengths, values, and positive assets you possess. Learning to accept these things can help you move towards a happier life.

• Practicing Assertiveness. People with inferiority complexes may seem timid at times because they feel as though their contribution is negligible. In the workplace, don’t be afraid to share your suggestions or concerns – at home, don’t be afraid to share your feelings. Be assertive.

• Learning to Say “No”. Saying no is incredibly difficult, especially for someone with an inferiority complex.

People who feel as though they are lesser than everyone who surrounds them may say yes to every task that is thrown their way, and as a result, become very stressed or overloaded with work. Saying no, can be to something as small as to going out to lunch because you have work to do, or saying no to an extra project because your workload is already…whatever the reason for your NO, just know that your NO is a complete sentence, which requires no explanation.

• Confront your biggest fears. Any negative comments from people you receive are invalid and must be ignored at all costs. Feeling inferior should be replaced with love and admiration; when we see other people through a lens of love and not fear – our inferiority complex fades, fast. So next time something happens that triggers you – a friend gets a promotion, take that dream vacation, sincerely congratulate them. When good stuff happens to other people it just means that it’s possible for you, too!

• Master your mind. Self-help books, educational podcasts, inspirational blog posts are a huge source of inspiration and help in dropping the inferiority complex.

• Speak to a qualified psychotherapist, if you feel you cannot overcome your inferiority complex on your own.
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