Home remedies for gum diseases – Part 1
Gum disease or periodontal disease is quite common amongst people who:
1. Do not maintain oral hygiene
2. Have diabetes
3. Have nutritional deficiencies
In this condition the gums and the bone around the tooth get infected and due to this the surrounding area gets inflamed. This can be avoided or at least kept in check by using natural remedies for gum diseases. Many of these remedies for gum disease you will find right in your kitchen, which makes them easy to procure. Gum disease can be quite dangerous and lead to other problems. There are several natural remedies that can be used to treat gum disease and prevent it too with the right amount of usage of these natural remedies.
Vitamin C
There is a direct connection with a lack of vitamin C in your diet and gum disease. Even way back in the times of the seafaring sailors, they always had lime to keep gum disease at bay. The dietary recommendation for the amount of vitamin C daily is 60mg. If the level falls beneath that, then you are exposing yourself to gum disease.
Vitamin C works as an oxidant and repairs the connective tissues and helps in bone regeneration. Vitamin C can be got from natural sources such as
1. Grapefruits
2. Oranges
3. Kiwis
4. Mangoes
5. Papayas
6. Strawberries
7. Red peppers
8. Sprouts
9. Broccoli
10. Guavas
11. Limes
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. This will help to reduce the chances of you getting gum disease.
The right amounts of vitamin D in your body will enable you to keep gingivitis and gum disease at bay. Research conducted has gone on to prove that vitamin D can be your saviour from gum disease of all kinds.
Vitamin D is not difficult to acquire; this can come from:
1. Going out in the sunshine for a while every day and the UV rays will start the absorption of vitamin D in your body.
2. From skimmed dairy products, okra and certain kinds of fish.
Dr Keith John
email: drkeithjohn@gmail.com
Clinic: Heritage Dental
Tel: 784-456-2220
Cell: 784-526-0752