Christmas Messages
December 30, 2011

Keep crime out the season

Fri, Dec 30. 2011

Christmas Message – by: Keith G. Miller, Commissioner of Police

It is the Christmas Season once again, and Christians are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, who came into this world to save sinners and bring peace unto mankind, Matthew 1:18 and 2:23. This was as a result of sin/disobedience, Genesis 3. Today, we sinners can find redemption, John 3:16.{{more}}

Since the era of Adam and Eve, human beings continue to exhibit levels of disobedience, notwithstanding the Laws/rules of the land and enforcement of same. Genesis 13 and Exodus 20: 1 – 17 outline the first of these. Today, Laws are made, amongst other reasons, to prevent the commission of both old and modern types of crimes, but notwithstanding various levels of enforcement and sanctions, there are persons who are still behaving like “Adam and Eve”, allowing the serpent (their minds) to deceive them into breaking the laws/rules.

This type of conduct is evident in the number of serious crimes reported in 2011.

For example, as at December 21, 2011, there were twenty-five (25) reported homicides; ten (10) are gun-related. As a result, fourteen (14) accused were arrested for murder, one (1) was sent on for Inquest and ten (10) are still under investigation, but the cause of death of three (3) of these are inconclusive.

For 2010, twenty-five (25) homicides were reported. However, for the corresponding period December 21, 2010, there were twenty-one (21). Accused in eighteen (18) of the twenty-five (25) reported homicides for 2010 were arrested and charged with murder and seven (7) are under investigation.

It is important to note that in 2010, the unlicenced firearm was the weapon used for nine (9) of these killings, while ten (10) in 2011. We continue to face challenges of the number of illegal firearms that are being smuggled into St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Notwithstanding such challenges, we continue our interception and were able to secure thirty (30) illegal firearms this year, from the hands of those Lawbreakers.

We would wish to thank persons who provided us with the relevant information to be able to do so. I am appealing for continued and further assistance from our Law Abiding Citizens.

In 2010, fourteen (14) of the twenty-five (25) cases of homicide were as a result of altercation or family disputes; three (3) were either drug/gang related or personal vendetta; one (1) as a result of aggravated burglary and two (2) from armed robberies. There were one hundred and sixty-eight (168) reports of sexual assault; one hundred and seventeen (117) reports of robberies and two thousand, eight hundred and seventy-eight (2878) reports of theft related offences.

While in 2011, of the twenty five (25) reported cases of homicides to date, ten (10) were as a result of altercation or family disputes, three (3) were either drug/gang related or personal vendetta; one (1) as a result of robbery; one (1) of aggravated burglary and the others under other circumstances. Four hundred and thirteen (413) reports of sexual assault were made, of these, one (1) person was arrested and charged with one hundred and sixty-three (163); one hundred and sixty-one (161) reports of robberies and three thousand, two hundred and twenty-nine (3229) reports of theft related offences.

Sociologists and Criminologists have several different theories as to why criminals behave the way they do and what causes them to behave that way. Good for such academic theories, but the layman understands that criminals twist and turn their minds to criminality to satisfy either their greed, discontentment, anger, dishonesty, lack of tolerance, etc. and that criminals are the end products of bad influences, encouraged delinquency and the failure to enforce the appropriate sanctions at a very early and various stages; and not because of poverty, unemployment, small salaries and the state of the economy, etc.

We will continue to work in collaboration with other agencies to ensure that St. Vincent and the Grenadines is safe. As a result, we are encouraging every Law Abiding Citizen to give us your support. We thank everyone who continues to do so. We also extend our condolences to persons who lost a family member, a relative or friends as a result of crime and pray that you will find solace/comfort and peace. We also advise the persons who are bent on acts of violence and crime to desist and make a fresh start in their lives. It is not too late; you can be redeemed by returning to a life of value and proper morals. Crime hurts and costs the state large sums. Let us all remember the purpose for this Season and celebrate in peace and love.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all. Let us keep Christ in Christmas and always. May God continue to bless us all!