Celebration Time
August 31, 2007



Before the intense studies for CSEC began, I always purposed that I could and would achieve all my subjects with Grade 1(& many with distinctions). My high hopes were, however, shattered, when devastating situations occurred in my personal life.

As examinations drew closer, I was thrown into an in-depth state of depression, where I felt unwanted and unimportant to human civilization. I went as far as contemplating suicide as a way of escaping the situations. I was simply up for ‘just giving up.’ I began to pray more often, as I was continually encouraged by my mom and uncle. As my on-going battle continued, simple words of encouragement from my friends, few of my teachers, close relatives and the John family surely went a long way.

As exams began, I was motivated daily by my mother, who text messaged: “My heart is with you. Be focused, YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST.” ‘I was also touched with the memory of my little brother’s prayer in the morning, ‘God, please help my big sister to pass all her exams, because I don’t want her to fail.’ Such thoughts enabled me to go into the examination rooms, defeating the devil’s purpose in my life. Despite all my road bums, I made it through alive.

With a feeling of doubt about my success deep within my mind, mom collected my results. While walking down the road, I was shocked and overwhelmed to see that I had successfully achieved all my subjects with 5 grade ones, 5 grade twos and 1 grade three.

Tears of joy flowed through my eyes, as I reminisced on what I had been through, the persons who believed in me, when I didn’t, and how much God came through for me. Mom rejoiced with me, as we both shouted towards the heavens, ‘Praise God & to God be the glory, Great things he has done’, and as if to confirm our profound gratitude, a van passed us coincidentally named ‘God is Good.’

To persons who are struggling to achieve goals that seem unreachable or for when there are just too many speed bumps in their life, never give up, always remember He (God) said in his words: “Come unto him, and he shall direct thy path”, and as well as Philippians 4:13, ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.’

Congratulations to my precious angel Linica on her great success, despite all drama, from your mom, AJ and little sister.