Celebration Time
June 9, 2006
A sweet little princess
Look at her! Thatâs our sweet little princess Tyka Simmons of Fitz Hughes. Greetings from mom Keizer, dad Ipa, brothers Gonks, Elroy and Noks, sisters Molly and Bet, aunts Keisha and Bev, cousins Susan, Deron, Codrian and Rayshon. You are the pride of our heart.
Look at her! Thatâs our sweet little princess Tyka Simmons of Fitz Hughes. Greetings from mom Keizer, dad Ipa, brothers Gonks, Elroy and Noks, sisters Molly and Bet, aunts Keisha and Bev, cousins Susan, Deron, Codrian and Rayshon. You are the pride of our heart.