Last minute ideas to boost your sales this season!
Business Buzz
October 28, 2022

Last minute ideas to boost your sales this season!

One minute you’re busy decorating and the next thing you know it’s two weeks before Christmas!

For many businesses, Christmas marketing accounts for a huge part of their business revenue so a serious marketing drive is vital. If you’re behind in your Marketing and you’re thinking of giving up because it’s too late, think again! Here are a few ideas to take you to the finish line:

1. Everyone loves a flash sale – Slash the price on a popular item for a short period of time. Don’t go crazy though- even though it’s a flash sale, ensure it makes sense from a financial standpoint. A 20% discount may create some buzz, but a deeper discount will garner more attention. How do you offer big savings but still make money? Offer a limited number of discounted items for a very limited time. Developing the sale idea is not suffice, you also need to market it!

2. Giveaways are exciting! – Who doesn’t love freebies?! Build anticipation by having a countdown to the giveaway. Remember customers are paying attention to your company and its gift potential and giveaways are a sure way to generate a positive buzz. Find ways to build loyalty in the future e.g., require them to provide an email address or a WhatsApp number. Ensure you promote the giveaways on all your social media platforms as well as in store if you have a brick-and-mortar business.

3. Exclusivity – How have you rewarded your loyal customers this season? How about having an exclusive gathering just for your loyal customers/fans? Invite them to a Christmas themed gathering (COVID protocols in place) at the business when it is typically closed. During the event, give them some VIP treatment e.g. a coupon or code they can use immediately to shop at the business, Christmas themed drinks, free gift wrapping or additional perks for spending a certain amount. In a nutshell, create an atmosphere that makes the customers feel appreciated. Don’t underestimate the power of ‘experiences’ in your marketing!

Candice Sealey is the Founder & Principal Consultant at Ignite! a Full-service Marketing & PR Consultancy that helps businesses/brands to stand out and communicate the right message to the right people through Strategy, Marketing, Media services and Design solutions. She is also a freelance content writer, advertising copywriter, voiceover talent, media personality. Follow us on FB & IG 784-432-2223. Email: