Tools to help your social media thrive in 2022!
Business Buzz
December 17, 2021

Tools to help your social media thrive in 2022!

WE ARE quickly approaching the end of 2021 so there is no better time than now to start planning for 2022; in fact, you should have already started! Standing out in the online space is no easy task and if you are trying to build your brand on social media, it’s critical to put your best foot forward by investing in the right social media tools. As time consuming it may be to juggle all that’s required to succeed on social media, these tools make the process easier and will help you to achieve the desired results. I have put together a list to help your brand/business succeed on social media in 2022:

Scheduling tools – Remembering to post consistently on different platforms can be a task on its own. Being able to schedule your posts in advance allows you to reach your audience when they’re online even if those times are not convenient for you e.g., if most of your audience is online at 10a.m but you’re usually busy at that time, scheduling your post in advance to appear on your page for 10a.m is highly efficient and a better use of your time.

Facebook along with other third parties such as Hootsuite allow you to do such.

Design tools- Every image on your social media platform should attract attention. Every image used should have relevance and part of being relevant is looking good and standing out. When you decide to use images inclusive of photos, graphics, flyers, videos on your social media pages, ask yourself these questions: Do they look professional? Does it strongly represent your brand? Will it capture people’s attention? Does it improve brand recognition? Tools such as Canva can help your page look visually impressive.

Analytical tools – How much do you know about your social media audience? Understanding the social media analytics for your brand/business can help you connect better with your audience. Metrics such as impressions (the number of times a post shows up on a customer’s timeline), reach (the number of unique viewers your post has) and engagement (how much your audience is interacting with your content) gives you the insight you need.

Grammar tools – Writing grammatically incorrect content is a turn-off for consumers and can affect your brand’s credibility. Flawed grammar can make your message confusing or misleading. A safe route is to use grammar and spell check tools such as Grammarly or the Hemingway app.

Image editing tools – Do you want your brand’s images to be shared?

Make it visually appealing! Visual communication should be part of your social media strategy for obvious reasons. In a sea of social media images, you should make your brand easily identifiable, and your posts and images should stand out from other posts. With image editing, your logos, watermark, colours, styles can set you apart. Editing apps such as Adobe Lighthouse and Snapseed are easy to use and very beneficial.

Candice Sealey is the Founder & Principal Consultant at Ignite! a Full-service Marketing & PR Consultancy that helps businesses/brands to stand out and communicate the right message to the right people at the right time through Strategy, Marketing, Media services and Design solutions. She is also a freelance content writer, advertising copywriter, voiceover talent, media personality. Follow us on FB & IG 784-432-2223.

Email: igniteresults