Strong odour of paint forces Kingstown Preparatory School to send some pupils home (+video)
Parents and guardians of pupils attending the Kingstown Preparatory School gathered outside the school's Richmond Hill compound awaiting word on if pupils would be sent home
Breaking News
September 5, 2022

Strong odour of paint forces Kingstown Preparatory School to send some pupils home (+video)

Some pupils of the Kingstown Preparatory School were forced to return home on Monday, the first day of the academic year, after a strong odour of paint could be smelt in some classrooms.

A parent who arrived at the school’s Richmond Hill compound early on Monday told SEARCHLIGHT that the parents were told not to leave, but await instructions because there was a rumour that the odour of paint was strong in some sections of the school.

“Then the headteacher went upstairs with a bullhorn and announced that they will have assembly in the back yard of the school but parents should remain because it was likely that some grades would have to go back home and she mentioned grades four to six,” the parent said.

He said it was later announced that grades two to six would go home but kindergarten and grade 1 students will remain.

The parent told SEARCHLIGHT that some parents had already left the compound and gone to work only to find out that their children had to go back home.

A school official told SEARCHLIGHT that an assessment would be made of the situation tomorrow, September 6 to determine if the environment would be safe for the pupils and teachers to remain.