Fully Vaccinated Woman dies of COVID19 in SVG
Breaking News
January 6, 2022

Fully Vaccinated Woman dies of COVID19 in SVG

St. Vincent and the Grenadines has recorded its first fully-vaccinated COVID-19 death, a release from the National Emergency Management Organization said on Thursday.

The deceased is a 67-year old female who, according to the release, “presented to the Accident and Emergency Department on January 5th, 2022, after  a one-week illness, died of COVID-19 pneumonia on January 6th, 2022.”

The patient, who tested  positive on admission had pre-existing non-communicable diseases. She was fully vaccinated  during the period April to July, 2021. Her death brings the death toll from COVID-19 to eighty four (84).  


[[UPATED on January 6, 2022 at 4:45 pm to correct to 2022 the year the deceased presented to the hospital and died.]]