Beauty Beat
November 3, 2006

Stress and the Skin (5)

Stress affects the skin in a number of ways: First it increases levels of adrenal hormones like lastosterone, which have been linked to the triggering of acne. In fact stress is being blamed for the increase in acne in career women.

The stress hormones also cause blood flow to be directed away from the surface of the skin. This means that your skin doesn’t get all the nutrients it needs. It is noted that you cannot repair these problems with skin care as effectively when you are stressed; stressed skin doesn’t absorb products as well as relaxed skin.{{more}} If stress does hit, knowing how to calm yourself will help your skin survive. Try sniffing lavender or adding a few drops to your bath water (it has shown to increase relaxation levels in the brain), exercising which releases calming chemicals into the body or deep breathing, which slows the heart rate and triggers the production of more calming chemicals.