No more fiddling and dancing
Ah doh know who posted ah clipping on Face Book wid de Pry-minister putting down ah piece ah his now fear-most “Five Steps Jig Figure” at de abandoned ET Joshua Airport Tarmac, during de ULP Rally to commemorate 23 years in office.
But Lie-za, like Hon’ Fitz Bramble calls de rally ah jam-berry. She gets upset dat after ah record homicide count in SVG last year, de downward slide continues wid no sign of any improvements foh de first three months in 2024.
First and foremost Lie-za beg me to warn de PM doh go pon stage monkeying he-self boasting dat he plans to live to 110 years, and serve as PM till 2030. To remind him, de PM dat God is not mocked, doh mess wid de Lord! He has gracefully granted him three score and ten plus an extra seven i.e. 77 years, now he claiming foh forty years more dan God wid good mercy promises.
She wondering if de PM has not been reading too much Lamentations, and recommends he reads from de Book of Luke, de story of de rich man who had ah bountiful harvest, said to himself I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there will store my surplus grain. And I’ll say to myself, you have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.” Dah was too good to believe. De story continues, dat night God said to him:
“You fool! This very night your soul is demanded of you; and as for all that you have prepared, who will own it now?”
Lie-za wants to know what ever happened to this one promise he gave 23 years ago, to fix de crime situation here in SVG. Right now SVG is up wid de top five countries in de world wid de highest crime rate. She is warning him to stop meking fun of God and God fearing people. Talk jobs foh de youths! Talk medication for de sick and indigent poor! Dat dancing on stage is comical, like when Nero was fiddling wid his guitar while Rome burning to ashes. She says: “ looks like way as Nero was fiddling, our teenage dancer is dancing!” Is like de demons ready to go to rest. Repentance has always been de prayer dat God answers. So from de head at de top to de feet at de bottom, we have to pray and turn from wickedness in high places, den God who is in Heaven will forgive us and SVG will be ah good place again. Time to cut-out dis set ah foolish talk about who is de better dancer between our PM and Dr Friday, ah man twenty years his junior, who does more swimming in one session dan he PM does in two weeks.
And finally our PM owes de young people, and indeed de people of dis nay-shun ah real rally.
She wants to know if dis gun am-nasty is foh real, how two years ago ah lady in de Windward constituency was sentenced to two years foh gun possession, and within two weeks de Mercy Committee met and de lady was pardoned. And wid dat is gone ah gone again
One Love Bassy
- Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.