De House Way Par-Liar-Mint
“Honourable Members! Honourable Members I am on my feet! Honourable Member for Central Kingstown, kindly take you seat!” Those were de Speaker’s words when she tried to stop ah name calling skirmish as Major Seeing-clear took ah swipe calling out “One Vote” Callous during de last sitting of Par-liar-mint.
But dis-order has been de norm during de sitting of Par-liar-mint in SVG. De Serious business of de country is down-played while members of opposite sides square off to throw verbal garbage at each other. Absolutely no Respect for Speaker, no Respect foh de House, no Respect foh both de listening and viewing population. Lie-Za says dat de Speaker like she Gone-soft.
Last sitting ah de House was like ah double Movie, Callous and de Major in one corner, while Ralph and Fryday centre stage, giving Madam Speaker head-ache trying to put to rest dat ole “bitter blood” matter, fresh as ever, still flowing profusely from de Pry minister’s Bus-head two years ago.
Lie-Za says Ralph can’t get over de fact dat Friday did not Rise on ah point of Order to condemn de Bus-Head, so he trying to justify with-holding his breath from Friday. It is even worse now dat Anna-May or Anna-May “not,” de lady from Layou, whom dey had charged foh throwing ah missile was set free. Eyes-ah-faith Lie-Za say she told dem dat Anna-may “not” have thrown no stone, and ah curse rests on de country in particular Layou (four murders in six weeks) until dey release de aint-no-saint lady, and get ride ah Crime, wayever dey’s Crime weed out de criminals, beginning at de Top!
Lie-Za is at ah loss as to what is going on wid PM Gone Soft. She heard Hon Fitz Bramble at de NDP Youth Rally for Hope saying dat for dis year, 2023 alone, de Pryminister has been “out de country” for over 200 days. Every time we listen de news we hear PM Gone Soft left de country gone countries we never hear bout. While Fitz is saying if ah Head ah State absents himself from wuk foh 18 days ever month, we should not be surprised when we read in de Searchlight Newspaper dat: “ SVG ranked as lowest-paying country in de region. Out of the 15 countries surveyed, SVG ranked as the lowest-paying country in the region with
73.3 per cent of salaries falling below the regional average.” Or when you read on Social Media: “ SVG has 22.5 unemployment over all, and 42 per cent unemployment among youths. Barbados ‘ unemployment figures is 9.9 %, and when you read SVG has de highest VAT rate in de OECS. Ah have me doubts bout dis one dat says: “SVG is among the top 12 fastest dying nay-shuns?? If we are not, we are not to far off. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.
One Love Bassy
- Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.