Ah good soldier passes
Brian Gould
Bassy - Love Vine
September 22, 2023

Ah good soldier passes

Back in 1986 Professor Arturo at de Venezuelan Institute of Culture and Education, introduced us to Venezuelan Folk Songs and how to play de Venezuelan Indigenous Instruments like de Cuatro, Maracas, Tambora and Furoco Drums, Percussions.

We next formed ah group: “El Grupo Amistad,” Den ah Venezuelan Musician, Professor Jorge Quintero was brought to SVG to conduct a one month workshop, to teach us to play de instruments and de rhythms. After six months of practicing we played at an Embassy function, and we must have played good becauseah number of persons asked if we were from Venezuela.

Come 1989, President Lusinchi of Venezuela visited SVG, And when he arrived at de Embassy, de Group played de Venezuelan Nah-shun-all Anthem “Gloria al Bravo Pueblo,” in four parts.

De Presidente shouted: “Otra vez! Ariba!” in Vincy creole “Selector, run it from de top!” Straight way he instructed his reporters to record de Group to show on de News in Venezuela.

Dat very Night El Grupo Amistad was on CNN when we played two ole Venezuelan Folk Songs . He also told de Ambassador to send him a list of instruments and equipment dat de group needed, den he promised de group ah trip to Venezuela de next year. But Guess what? De next year 1990, El Presidente was gone!!

Among those of us in El Grupo Amistad who performed for President Lusinchi was Brian Gould, ah former member of “De Oracles,” ah dynamic group of young Christians from Streams of Power. Brian himself, had ah tremendous voice holding his place in any section, from Soprano to Bass and very good at harmonizing.

How very quickly he picked up de Venezuelan/South American Latin Rhythms including Parranda, Gaita, Opinaldo, Salsa. In addition to his singing, he played Bass Guitar. De man had talent, very creative ideas, positive when comes to music. Ah “Self Taught” musician who welcome ah challenge, whether piano, rhythm Guitar or Bass. At one of our practice sessions, he turned up unannounced wid ah keyboard. He sounded terrible, but luckily we did not try to crush his spirits. In fact Brian never accepted defeat or NO foh an answer. Within ah couple of months he was back all ready to play. So small wonder dat when Lio Smith, de ole Master of Jazz and Blues in SVG was about to form his small Jazz Quartet: “Lio and De Moods,” he took Brian and his brother Aubrey taught dem de fundamental rudiments of these Musical Genres, thereby raising dey musical level. .

De group had become vibrant, bubbling over wid youthful energy from ah batch of recruits comprising ex-students from St Joseph’s Convent. So in 1991 we decided to Revive de Nine Mornings and give it 10 years of commitment We raised funds thru Bar-B-Q at weekends. De Embassy supported with transportation. We have no regrets even though we had to be up at 3:00 a.m to be stage-side to start de show and perform at 4:00 a.m. Most of de members were working, some single, two were visually impaired, some like Brian were married wid young families, never missed ah morning! Never got any sort of remuneration or payment. Dey did it wid Pride, Courage and love of Country.

After several years of ill health, last Sat-dey morning at 1:00 a.m. Brian answered St Peter’s call to play keyboards, Bass and harmonize. Lie-Za thinks dat Brian chose dat early hour to wake us up “It’s Nine Mornings.” May his Soul Rest peacefully. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

  • Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.