Maestro Mitch Israel-Duharte
Bassy - Love Vine
July 14, 2023

Maestro Mitch Israel-Duharte

Lie-Za say to mek sure and Big Up dis budding 19 year ole Maestro, Mitch Israel-Duharte, lead Pannist and Arranger of Starlift Juniors Steel Orchestra. Possibly de youngest Pan Arranger in SVG on record who dis year would have successfully arranged Nah-shun-all Junior Panorama Champions Starlift winning song. A Cuban by birth, Mitch is a multi-talented musician who plays in every section of de Steel Orchestra, from Bass to Tenor, Congo Drums, Cowbells to Wheel Rims. Together wid his younger sibling Matthew, also ah Pannist, dey warm de hearts of many including dey church family.

His teachers describe him as a disciplined science student wid his eyes already fixed on becoming ah d doctor, having successfully completed first year at de Trinity School of Medicine. Lie-Za is not easy, first she insist dat ah Big-Up Mitch, now she wants me to Big-him-Up foh two Bursaries, one in Medicine and de other in Music. And why not?


“The sun is descending, the moon is approaching and the crowd is gone; Seems like nobody is interested to carry on… well the sky is like a wooden shack after a storm, not a band, nor a Mas is around to perform, all I can see is some broken bottles so far, an indication the carnival is over.” Lines taken from Lord Kitchener’s 1963 Calypso: “The Carnival is over.”

Vincy Mas is never over. Not even if dey’s ah repeat of last year way de people, de components directly involved in Mas, Calypso and Pan, don’t get dey prize money till after Christmas.

But dey’s great hope foh de future of de Festival, if de Ministry of Culture will welcome on board de I-dare and I-deal penned by ah Vincy Educator, Anthony Stewart PhD, published in de Searchlight 23rd June, 2023 edition. Permit me to copy and paste from Dr Stewart’s letter.

He writes:“ It is amazing that dis unique festival has survived mostly depending on volunteers. Perhaps the time has come to have the festival institutionalized and become part of the formal school program.”

Stewart recommends recruiting a cadre of Pan Builders, Tuners and Arrangers to train and teach de skills of building, tuning and playing pans, also the rudiments of formal music. Interestingly in 2009 de great, actually one ah de greatest out ah T’n’T, de Black Stalin in his Calypso “Mr Pan Maker,” stresses de need foh documentation of scientific info on Pan foh posterity. Here is Stalin’s bit: “ How many grams ah steel it takes to make ah Bass Pan? What is the degree of heat you need to burn a Cello Pan? Or what is the size of the rubber to beat ah high single tenor? These are the facts you must have under lock and cover.”

If ah might add, once dis technical info requested by Black Stalin is taught in school, our youths, students of Pan will have ah greater appreciation for de delicate and sensitive nature of de Steel Pan, incidentally de only acoustic instrument invented in the 20th century. And no more will we hear terms like: “ man beating or learning to beat Pan,” or even witness de unnecessary pounding on de finely tuned Pans, but instead, dey will caress and play dis treasured instrument gently.

Still on Pan. Congratulations are in order for all winners in de Junior and Senior Panorama Competition. You are all winners and ah Special Big Up to de Sandy Bay School juniors for ah bold entry into Panorama.


Newly appointed Senator, Benarva “Ben” Browne replaces Senator. Julian Francis wid all his portfolios. She is called upon to fit into ah Giant Size Boots, but she is like de 24 feet Giant, she foot big! She is Bright, Sharp and Intelligent, and probably one of de better Trained and Qualified Candidate around to take on dis challenging ministry.

Congrats Ben, all de best from Uncle Bassy. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

  • Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.