De lickle girl Rose Bank
THE TIMM FAMILY in better times. Front Row extreme left Alice and George Timm both deceased
Bassy - Love Vine
May 26, 2023

De lickle girl Rose Bank

Ah few weeks ago ah wrote about four one-dah-full women from de village who had left for de Great Beyond, actually ah called dem Queens for leaving an indelible mark in de community.

Here I am dis week talking bout yet another great lady in Village Building, dis time however, she is in de category described by King Solomon as ah Virtuous Woman, Our beloved Alice Martilda Timm.

Miss Timm fondly known as Mother Timm by family and villagers, young and old, was an elder sister of our beloved physician, Dr Daniel Garraway Mr Humility himself, who speaks proudly of his siblings and God’s goodness to de entire family. She was just a humble six year ole toddler when she came all de way from Rose Bank to live wid de King/Mc Lean family in town (Murray Village).

Very early Alice committed her life to Christ and was ah teenager when she met and married George Timm, ah Murray villager and ah man of great musical talent. He played just about every string-instrument, from Violin to Harp. Lie-Za asking who charmed whom? Was it Alice wid her dignity or George wid his music rhythm.?
De marriage produced 11 children, 20 grand and 16 great-grand children. She blended well wid de community and was loved especially by neighbour’s children who rated her cooking as de best.

Her entire life was devoted to family where she unofficially majored as ah “Homemaker”, managing her home with eight girls and three miserable boys. Secondly as ah “Housewife”, taking great care of her family making sure all her children received ah Secondary Education, College and University. She did ah One-dah-full job.
Sunday was always ah full Church-day comprising three sessions foh de Timm family. All 13 household members attended, dey never missed church dat was located at Victoria Park ah long three miles walk from de Village. Dey was no family vehicle, no Mini Van back den. It was lovely picture just looking at de Timm family immaculately attired in church clothes, wid Daddy Timm out front and Mother Timm de disciplinarian, de Matriarch of de family and de community, trying to catch up wid de others way out front.

De last time ah saw her she was in her usual bright spirit. Her brain was as sharp as ah razor. She made 91 look like 71. May she rest peacefully wid de Lord.


Ah couple weeks ago, NDP had ah very Hope-Full meeting in Georgetown. Ah was present and de Energy Level was High. Ah asked Lie-Za way NDP got all dis HOPE from all of ah sudden. She said to me dat foh months de NDP was on de ICU machine in de Pull-it-tek-ill Hospital. But from de time de News featured de installation of ah new MRI machine at de Georgetown Medical Centre. Lie-Za say Doc Friday and de NDP shadow Cabinet pull out all de tubes, kickdown de ICU apparatus shouting HOPE IS ALIVE! Nufff said and wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

  • Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.