ULP Going Thru Widout Julie-Anne-Fran-Cess
Bassy - Love Vine
October 14, 2022

ULP Going Thru Widout Julie-Anne-Fran-Cess

I beg to borrow an Acronym “WOW” as in “Women Of Worth,” that was coined by the newly elected Executive of de NDP’s Women’s Arm. WOW is Refreshing, Inspiring, Vibrant and blends nicely among de young team of Poll-it-tek-all Virgins, Undergraduates so to speak, dat is sweeping like ah much needed breath ah fresh air within de party in particular and throughout de length and breath of SVG in general.

But before ah get to de specifics of “WOW”, ah want to give nuff respect to de Kingstown Co-op Credit Union KCCU foh last month’s launch of ah $700, 000. 00 (121 KiloWatt) KP Solar Panel System in Lower Kingstown Park. The Searchlight reported Minister sorry, Acting PM Gomry Daniel, as heaping worthy praise on KCCU foh being ah Trailblazer, responding to dis country’s Economic and Social Development Plan 2012-2025, in which Go-venom-mint has called foh de use of renewable energy ensuring ah clean country and ah safe world. KCCU is expecting to generate returns of $9, 600. 00 monthly foh ah total of approximately $2 million over de next 25 years.

In addition to dis new project KCCU already has Solar Farms in its offices in Kingstown and Mespo. Dis is such ah commendable and progressive step by KCCU dat I am forced to revisit an almost cry-sis story two weeks ago, way management at de Kingstown Fish Market in an effort to recover ah $30,000.00 ah month loss, decided to slap ah 50% increase on Fishers and Fish Vendors foh services and fees at de complex.

Maybe Min Daniel still needs to go by de Kingstown Fish Market and explain to dem what KCCU has done in ah few short years. Furthermore de minister should undertake to have Solar Energy generated at de entire Fisheries Complex.

Nuff Respects to de WOW’s- “Women of Worth at de Kingstown Fish Market. Those of us who frequent de Fish Market would attest to de fact dat over 50 % of de Vendors dey are both dignified “Women At Work,” (WAW) and “Women Of Worth” (WOW), but de officials now know dat it does not tek much time foh dem to suddenly switch to an aggressive WOW as in “Woe-men Of Wrath” (WOW) replete wid expletives and hostility to withdraw services and close down sale of fish at de Fish Market. And why not?
Ah 50% increase on any commodity except salaries, be it goods or services in ah poor country like SVG is ill-legal. And foh management whether is Agricultural Input or de Fish Market, to suggest dat vendors pass these draconian increases on to de consumers, is un-con-shun-able, and wreckless, fren or no fren” dey sick in dey head.

But dat is how incompetent dis Go-venom-mint operates: “Fuel gone up? Raise de price ah Fuel!

Van drivers complain? Pass de increase on to de commuters or consumers! But what about de workers salary? Oh well promise dem ah 2% pon dey salaries next year.

Lie-Za herself ah “WAW” Woe-man-at War,” showed me ah News Item dat Prime Minister Philip Davis of de Bahamas announced Tuesday night. dat minimum wage will increase from $210 to $260 a week (20% increase) . It will be retroactive from July for public employees and will go into effect January 2023 for the private sector.

In SVG de price of gas remains stuck at $18. 00 per gallon while in Grenada it has not changed from $13. 50 ah gallon. Lie-Za asking de question “how much longer can de ULP function widout Julie-Anne-Fran-Cess?” . And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.