De war is near prepare ye de way
Bassy - Love Vine
March 18, 2022

De war is near prepare ye de way

WID DE WAR between de Ukraine and Russia heading foh World War 3, ah remind me-self dat ah was born during World War 2, and ah survived some real Hard Time. According to my mother, ah had to eat arrowroot pap and goat milk three times a dey.

De German sub-marines went on ah rampage in our waters destroying every cargo boat bringing supplies to de Caribbean.


Was like an embargo on things like flour, rice, fuel, everything dat we imported.

Thank God in dem days we in SVG uses to produce ah lot ah food dat we ate: ‘ground provision, yams, sweet potato, eddoe (a-day), Put-een sorry, Dash-een, tan-yah, banana and good ole cassava farrine and bam-bam, our-Root starch and Madung- go’. De Grenadines survived on its corn, fish and peas. Dey even uses to “export” corn-fish from Charles Bay, Can-One, to Kingstown mainland Sin-Vin-Sin, jus’ like how de Sin-Lou-Shuns will be exporting stones from Richmond, SVG to Lowmans Bay, SVG. Watch how dem Par-liar-men disrespecting us.

Back den Sugar was King in SVG, until 1962 when de pull-it-to-kill “Abel killed Cane” as well as Village Life in Georgetown, aka Sugar Town and had his promise full-filled to mek Mount Bentick ah grave-yard, a Fait accomplished up to today.

During de War Days too, de Red Zone was de biggest single coconut field in de world, an oil factory produced top quality Vegetable Oil, until another pull-it-to-kill-ah Abel again struck, he brought Coconut Oil guilty of spreading ah dreaded killer disease name Co-lessster- oil, passed de death sentence on Coconut. One day dey will be ah Pullit- tek all resurrection of all dem projects dat were killed by ULP and NDP..

Notice how Breadfruit or Bre-fruit dat should be top on de list, is reserved foh de last. Mankind uses to eat Bre-fruit foh Tea, Bruck-fuss and Dinner.

Roasted, boiled, fried, Brefruit Coo Coo, now-ahdays we meking Bre-fruit

BREADFRUIT salad, pie, roti, cassa-role and as ole people say “Necessity is de mother of invention” dey’s refined Bre-fruit Flour. De only reason why Bre-fruit is not made Excellency or Nahshun- all Hero is because one has to be dead to be made Hero, and Bre-fruit will never dead. However we might want to mek it ah Nah-shun-all Awe-ward or give it ah Knighthood, Sir Bre-fruit.

So way ah going wid all ah dis long talk? De two countries now at war produce very important commodities dat we import, so soon dey will be Hard Times again, and is time we mek Food Security our main concern, even though we have ah Pen Pal Putin (PPP) from de ole school, who will send troops to bring food and man-trol us. So “Back To de Land” we going.

We should now be encouraged to plant more fruit and food bearing trees. We must source good quality seeds and planting materials. Go back to de days ah Egypt when Fear-Oh had dis dreadful dream of ah pending famine, and Joseph add-vice Fear-Oh to plant grain, staples like wheat, corn, beans, rice, and store dem in warehouses. We have what Egypt had and more: root crops, cereals like Cassava and Our-Root.

So immediately we must Stop alienating our Blessed land! Stop disrespecting our soil describing it as “ah heap ah rocks wid some top fertile soil!” Stop kicking our Red Zone Farmers off de fertile lands in Richmond, literally gifting it to Far-reign investors to blast away! Stop scraping our sea-floor, raping our conch colonies, our Sea Protein that we will soon need to feed the Nay-shun. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.