Diplomats who make us proud
Ambassador Bowman at a SVG booth at an exhibition in Taiwan recently
Bassy - Love Vine
November 5, 2021

Diplomats who make us proud

First let me quote what ah read from two separate News stories published last week in SEARCHLIGHT. The first reads: “ Organization in the Republic of China (Taiwan), which seeks to enrich students’ lives, has lauded the contribution of St Vincent and the Grenadines’ Ambassador to Taiwan Andrea Bowman, who has been appointed advisor to the group.” And the second piece reads: “Golden Merchant Award for ‘Most Outstanding’ foreign Embassy in the Republic of China (Taiwan).” Is like two years ago August 2019, in my article back den, ah saw all ah dis waiting to happen, so early o-clock ah came out in Andrea’s de-fence, when she was under attack. “Everybody wanted to eat she White Fowl.” Dis week ah proudly re-publish an edited version of what ah wrote in 2019 word foh word:

:”Ah sure readers wondering way ah going wid me Article dis week. Well ah was happy to read dat Andrea Keizer, who is married to my cousin Lennox Bowman, was appointed SVG’s Ambassador to Tie-One. So who is Andrea Keizer? she is de maternal Grand-daughter of ah “House Slave “wash and iron” foh rich people … her Mother, Norma Keizer broke de chains of slavery, impoverishment and Illiteracy, she won ah Town Board Scholarship, went to GHS, den to UWI and way ever else, and became Headmistress of GHS… Norma, unlike many of us never forgot way she came from. She uses to tell me: “Bassy, my people were really, really poor yuh know.” …..Andrea sorry, Ambassador Bowman wid her Masters in Language and Literature, was Headmistress of GHS…retired and was lecturing at de Community College when she was appointed dis country’s Ambassador to Tie-One. No one is impeccable, but she is clean, she will not put dis country’s name in scandals. Ah will not swear foh her but say dat as ah Diplomat, she will not Box down her spouse Lennox and mek police come to rescue him… Ambassador Andrea will not tolerate ‘Sexy Pastor-like behave-yah’; (messing wid Passport sales). She will not be caught passing thru (UK) Customs wid Drugs bringing dis country’s shady name into further disrepute. She is too humble and polite to reach de point way Security Offices have to arrest her foh impolite, un-ambassadorial conduct. By de way what ever happened to dat Matter? We ought to be proud of our daughter of de soil, foh she brings nothing less dan dignity, respect and honour to dis prestigious post. All yuh come off Ambassador Bowman’s back,” End ah story.


Lie-Za say to stick to November 2021. She says Ambassador Bowman must have heard dat former Prime Minister Sir James foh whom we all wid our Prayers continue to petition Heaven’s Gates, had to be rushed from Milton Cato General Hospital to Hospital in Bo-bail-us. Lie-Za feels ah daughter’s pain for Sir James. Thirty-two years in Par-Liar-mint, 17 of which he was Prime Minister before stepping down gracefully. Today 21 years later, when we boast of forging ah Modern Competitive Post Colonial Economy, ah Carry-beyond Civil-Lies-say-shun, an Eddy-care-shun Rev-all-yuh-shun, free from Learn-Ned Help-less-ness, hear Words man, pure verbage with little or obscure content.

And we don’t have ah decent Hospital in which to care foh our treasured, 90 year ole former Prime Minister. No maybe about it, de MCMH has done its time, and SVG needs to get started on ah Top ah de line Hospital. So Lie-Za challenge to Ambassador Bowman is for her, during her hectic schedule, to lobby foh a Hospital foh SVG from Tie-One. Let us continue to pray foh Sir James’ recovery. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.